Insect bites in babies and children, what to do and how to prevent them?

One of the things that inevitably come with summer are insect bites. Among them, the most frequent are the bee, wasp and mosquito bites, but also spiders.

Children, as well as pregnant women, are the favorite targets of mosquitoes. This is because both tend to have a higher temperature than the rest. They are sources of heat and mosquitoes also tend to choose them. In addition, babies and children spend more time outdoors and are more exposed to insect bites. What should we do if they are chopped and how to prevent bites.

What to do if babies and children are bitten by insects

When an insect bite occurs, these are usually accompanied by itching, pain, redness of the skin and swelling and, in some cases, allergic reactions, which can be more serious (see below).

Mosquito bites often cause hives, more rarely blisters, that bite. In the case of wasps and bees, the bean hurts and after a few hours it tends to decrease, although sometimes the sting continues to increase slowly for several hours. One difference between wasps and bees is that the first does not leave the stinger nailed. Spiders produce a red spot on the skin with two central points.

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In case of a sting it should wash the area with soap and fresh water and always remove the insect, trying not to compress it by doing so that it does not expel more poison. To kill it you can use oil or alcohol, and remove the stinger with tweezers, but it is never recommended to burn it because of the risk of damaging the child's skin.

To calm the itching you can apply a solution of calamine, cream bars or soothing gels formulated from natural extracts from those sold in pharmacies (do not apply to the mucous membranes - mouth, eyes, inside the nose -)

If the area is inflamed we can apply local cold and if we see that the inflammation is very large, it is advisable to go to a health center to recommend an ointment to apply, either antihistamine, corticosteroids or even antibiotics.

How to prevent insect bites

  • Use lightly colored clothes, avoid walks in humid areas and do not use perfumes of intense smell, which could attract insects.

  • Use mosquito nets, for windows, insecticidal plugs and gadgets matainsectos or trapinsectos (always placed very carefully to avoid accidents with children).

  • Use repellents: make sure that the ones we buy are suitable for children, although we can also try some natural remedies to repel mosquitoes. If you use cream or spray repellents on babies, do not apply them to hands or feet because of the risk of sucking them.

  • Keep the clean and tidy house (especially corners, ceilings, blinds) to prevent insects from nesting and roaming freely.

  • There's also ultrasound repellent devices and the new are some mosquito repellent bracelets They are bought in pharmacies. They can help, but your coverage is limited.

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Allergy to insect bites

An allergy is a disproportionate reaction of the immune system to a specific agent, called an allergen, which can be a substance, a food, pollen, mites, insects, etc. For the organism they are invaders, therefore it reacts causing certain symptoms, from itching or hives to more serious problems such as an anaphylactic reaction that can be life-threatening.

Insect allergies are very common in childhood. Most are caused by bites or bites and involve mild pictures, although in a few cases a serious reaction can be generated. Most often, the substance produces a localized reaction in the area of ​​the bite, which can be from mild (a simple habon) to much more serious, such as cellulite (in which the deeper layers of the skin are inflamed.

Local reactions are usually controlled with the use of topical anti-inflammatory and antihistamines. Sometimes, if they are at risk of infection, it may be necessary to add an antibiotic in the form of a cream. In cases of more severe injuries, the child may have to take the medication by mouth. Any of these medications should always be prescribed by the Pediatrician.

In the event that it is believed that the child is presenting a generalized reaction (swelling of the face, lips, neck, generalized redness of the body or difficulty breathing) it should be Always go to an emergency department very quickly.

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Video: Bug Bites on Kids. How to Prevent & Treat (May 2024).