What if children jumped for joy in September for finally losing sight of their parents?

It seems a lie, but we are already in mid-August and in just one month the routines will return, those in which children go to school again and parents see them much less than now, in summer, when in many cases we are with them 24 hours a day

It is true that being a father and mother is tired, and that there are days that you would take a train to another country (to the moon, my mother said she was going to go), perhaps that is why one of the most common phrases among adults is this : "What do you want school to start".

In Bored Panda they have decided to make a collection of photos of parents who at some point in their lives have immortalized that moment, showing their joy in front of their children, and what you want me to say ... I know it's a joke, but I'm not funny : What if children jumped for joy in September for finally losing sight of their parents?

"What do you want school to start"

Surely you know this phrase. Surely you have ever been told. Perhaps even you have pronounced it on occasion when you can no longer. I have heard it dozens of times, when other parents talk about children in those months in which they are their entire responsibility.

Sometimes they have said it to me as a question: "How are the children? You'll be looking forward to school, won't you?" But I always answer the same: "Do not". And I am I'm not looking forward to school. Of course there are days that we no longer know what to do; Of course there are days that seem to enter a loop or spiral of bad ideas and make us desperate; Of course, there are days when you tell yourself that you cannot do more; but still I prefer that they be with us than they are in school.

When we are all, I feel them closer: we talk more, we laugh more, we play more, we share more time and everything is easier: they don't even have schedules!

The rest of the year everything is run for here, run there, remind me later, then tell me, tomorrow we do, or the weekend ... everything is to postpone moments with them because the routines are what they are, and the obligations are unavoidable, and I move away a little, and they move away a little. And you realize at nightfall that that day you have barely spoken with one of them, or with any.

I like being with them, I like having them close, and they like having us, dad and mom too.

What if they jumped for joy by losing sight of us?

What if when they arrived at school, the children would greet each other after the summer and tell each other that "I wanted to start school"? Imagine that they tell each other and that they now tell us sincerely, that Looking forward to September to lose sight of us, that everything seems easier when they see us less, when they know we are at work, when we bother them much less.

I guess I do the reflection because the children are in the pictures ... because that phrase is often said far from their presence and we are always clear that in spite of that, parents love their children ("I love them very much, but everything works better when they go to school").

Like those couples who understand each other better when they are not together 24 hours a day because they have things to tell each other; those that start to go wrong when they run out of work, or retire, and suddenly they are many more hours next to each other (do you know that many couples separate on vacation?).

Well, that, I see the parents and I see the children in these photos and me, thinking about them, it hurts, it bothers me; because if my children ever told me something similar, if they jumped for joy at losing sight of me because they would finally get rid of me, they would be showing me that as a father something I've done very badly and that, emotionally, we are far away.

And there is nothing worse for a father and his children, about to catch the possible cost of adolescence, than to find themselves emotionally estranged.

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