Three moms create the ultimate emoticon keyboard to talk about motherhood

I don't say anything new in expressing that the way we communicate has changed a lot in recent years. Phone calls, letters, SMS and even e-mails have given way to a more immediate way of speaking among people, with instant messaging, in which we not only use text, but also images or emoticons with which to add a bit of humor or nonverbal communication to the always cold text.

At present there are many that are very useful, but there are always vital moments, situations or experiences that are hardly reflected in an emoticon, and one of them is motherhood, or fatherhood, parenting ... that time in which your life revolves around a baby or children.

To remedy, three moms have created an absolutely great emoji or emoticon keyboard, with which to communicate between mothers and fathers will be easier and more fun than ever. Come on, that the Whattsapp or Telegram groups dedicated to these issues will receive the news with joy.

No less than 250 emoticons

As we read in The Huffington Post, the three mothers are Sarah Robinson, Hannah Hudson and Natalie Ralston. The three are the architects of the call EmojiMom, which is a keyboard for iOS (for the iPhone) with 250 emoticons related to pregnancy, childbirth and baby rearing.

The idea came to see that, when communicating with each other, they seemed to miss emoticons with which they could express some of the things that happened to them. With the help of an illustrator they began to create emojis and, 12 months later, these three full-time mothers finally presented their application, which is receiving very good reviews.

Soon there will be more for parents

The goal is to take things with a little humor. As they explain, they wanted nothing more than to make mothers laugh and help them take some pressure off with emoticons that represented the general feeling of many mothers. They decided to stop at 250 emojis, but they have more ideas and have already announced that soon will add some with parents, men, as protagonists.

The application can be purchased at the Apple app store and costs $ 1.99

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