The incredible delivery of less than a minute at the hospital door

One of the desires that a woman usually has when she is near childbirth is that it is relatively fast. In fact, many people wish pregnant women like this: "Have a quick hour".

Although I suppose that within the possibility that the delivery is fast it is not usually the desire to give birth at the hospital door, as happened to this woman, which took less than a minute to welcome your baby, while dad was looking for parking.

I had just crossed the hospital doors

His name is Jessica Stubbins, from Scunthorpe, England, and its history has become known because it was captured by the hospital's closed circuit security cameras.

Apparently he had already gone to the hospital that day, because of the contractions, but the thing was not going too fast, so he returned home to wait until the delivery progressed a little. At midnight she noticed that, then yes, the delivery was quite imminent, so she told her husband, Tom, to go to the hospital.

Upon arrival he told him that he noticed that his baby would soon be born, so he asked him to I'll leave her at the hospital door while he was looking for parking. He crossed the doors and stopped with a contraction. A few seconds later he had to lower his pants to be able to take his daughter in his arms.

At that moment he arrived, surprised and a little sad to have lost everything, as he said this morning on the television show Good Morning Britain. And with the baby, they entered inside, where the medical staff attended them with the same surprise as the happy couple.

But ... is this likely?

Perhaps now many wonder if near the due date you have to be prepared to run to the hospital, in case something like this happens to you. The truth is that It is unlikely. In this case we talk about a second pregnancy, a second birth, and it is already said that the second is faster, as a rule, than the first.

But nothing of a one-minute expulsive ... the delivery always lasts for hours, and the expulsive usually lasts between 30 and 60 minutes at the first birth and about 30 minutes in the second. And this is just figures ... it can be faster or much slower.

So I am not going to tell you that it is impossible for you to pass, but it is very unlikely.

Video: Mother gives birth in less than a minute (July 2024).