Sign language not to leave the only deaf child in town

The need to communicate with others, sensitivity, empathy to integrate those who have more difficulties are behaviors that humanize us and that too often we forget.

In Gualba, a Barcelona town of fifteen hundred inhabitants, they have not forgotten the only deaf neighbor in town at the time of programming the party of the "night of the witches" and They have managed to do all the shows adapted also for him through sign language.

Gualba has fifteen hundred inhabitants registered but the “Nit de Bruixes” on July 30, there were more than five thousand attendees at his party.

For the fourth consecutive year they celebrated the “Night of the Witches” with storytelling, parade of giants and bigheads, play, market, food and craft stalls and the nighttime representation of the local legend "Las brujas de la Gorge Negre".

But for the first year they have worried a lot about that none of his neighbors felt excluded, not even the only deaf neighbor, eleven years old.

Count in Catalan language of #firabruixesgualba @baix_montseny @la_vila_digital @ EL9NOU_VOr

- Ajuntament de Gualba (@gualbainfo) July 30, 2016
“I didn't know where to get when he went on stage to thank the people,” said his mother.

The entire town was excited, some couldn't even hold back the tears.

In this integrative approach to the party, the town hall and various associations of the municipality have participated and it has certainly been a success, in fact, more deaf people (including about twenty children) came for the first time to know how they had integrated into This party, for the first time, people with hearing impairment.

A friendly and festive environment for all is evident that it is only achieved with the solidarity of all, as in this case, hopefully it is very contagious and we can read many more news like this.

Video: "Peanut: Can you hear me now?". Arguing with Myself. JEFF DUNHAM (July 2024).