The mother who became famous for giving birth in the middle of nature without medical assistance explains why she did it

When in February 2013 Simone Thurber He decided to publish the video of his birth. Little could he think that it was going to have the repercussion he has achieved. In these years it has been seen by more than 74 million people with an unequal answer: he has many "likes", but also many "dislikes" (for each person who says he doesn't like the video, two say he does).

The reason that the video went viral is that it is a birth in the middle of nature, far from a hospital, but also far from health professionals. And although there were people around him, none was a medical professional. Now, three years later, Simone has wanted to explain in The sun why did he give birth that way and why he decided to share his experience.

The birth video

Two months after it was published we brought you the video of the birth so you could see it. At a time in history when it is usual to give birth in hospitals, a delivery like this is an incredible blow to many people, a moment of misunderstanding; even a risk they would never run.

However, it was his fourth birth, and this facilitates things both physically and psychically: Thurber's confidence in his possibilities was maximum, and In such a situation, childbirth becomes much easier.

I, on the other hand, would have had professionals nearby, just in case, that nature is very wise but often makes mistakes.

I leave you with the video:

The birth that motivated a television show

A year later we tell you that following this video the television channel Lifetime He had decided to make a new reality show in which women gave birth away from hospitals, but not at home or in a minimally controlled environment, but in the midst of nature, surrounded by the beauty and calm of a wilder world , but no medical assistance.

Come on, that the impact of childbirth was only a year later, more than evident, at a time when the video had 22 million views.

Why such a birth?

In the interview with The sunSimone explained that his intention was not to explain anything concrete with the video, but simply to show, who might be interested, how it could be to give birth in nature.

In addition, I wanted to inspire women by explaining that if they want they can have a child outside a hospital.

He never expected the video to have such an impact. His three daughters were already born at home, but he had always wanted to do it in nature and thought that his fourth birth could be a good time.

Let's face it, women have been giving birth in nature for thousands of years, but the idea of ​​a modern woman squatting giving birth in a stream horrifies many people, even before I gave birth and shared the video .

Simone is the daughter of two missionaries who spent a lot of time in Papua New Guinea. Apparently, his mother once explained how surprised he was seeing a woman there giving birth without help, breastfeed the baby, and when separated, put it on his back wrapped in a cloth and continue with his things.

That was recorded and was one of the reasons he wanted to give birth in nature. In addition, he studied to be a doula, and that gave him security:

There was no doctor there, and if something had gone wrong it would have been very difficult to get to the hospital (...) Naturally, I would not suggest anyone try this without first talking to their doctors, their doula or a midwife. It's just that as a mother of three children I felt it was the right decision.

Since then there are several women who write thank you mails to show their birth, and others who ask for advice. She, just in case, created a Facebook group called Birth in Nature as a platform to help resolve the doubts of those couples who consider this possibility.

Every woman is free to decide how to give birth, but ...

From here, and as a health professional, I can only say that I respect Simone's decision to give birth that way, but I do not understand that it will not have minimal support.

Most women they are perfectly capable of giving birth like her, without help; if they believe in it, if they trust, and if they have someone who gives them support to progress in dilation and expulsion and makes them feel capable. But above all, someone who provide security in case there is any setback.

She trusted and it went well. Being his fourth birth the odds were very high. But there is a minimum percentage of deliveries that get complicated and there the hands of a midwife, or a gynecologist, can make the difference between a horrible ending and a happy ending.

Photos and video | Youtube
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Video: The pregnancy test was negative. . then I gave birth in a hotel toilet! - BBC (July 2024).