Get ready to spend the whole day away from home with your baby

While, in winter, with the cold and the rain, what we most want is the classic sofa-film-blanket plan, when the warmth arrives we take to the street to enjoy a family day. The good weather is synonymous with more hours of sunlight and any plan is perfect to get out of the routine of the home: the mountain, the beach, an amusement park, visit the grandparents ... But spending the day away from home with children is equivalent , in many cases, to go very loaded and stress more of the account.

How to get the kids endure all day? What is essential for such an exit? In this post, you will find the keys to prepare to spend a magnificent day away from home.

The ideal plan

The ideal plan to spend a good day "out there" does not exist. Everything will depend on your tastes, your concerns, the age of your children ... What is clear is that there are many options, you just have to stop to think about what you want to do next weekend and organize it.

From a trip to the countryside, a fun day at the beach, a rush of adrenaline in a water park or amusement park, a cultural route through a charming town or a gastronomic itinerary through your province are just some proposals addressed to a family audience that you can find in almost any corner of our country. But there are many more ideal plans to make with children, some of which are scheduled on specialized websites that even classify them by age, theme and zone.

Question of attitude

For a family getaway to be perfect the most important thing is the attitude. Sometimes, parents usually think that children will not endure all day away from home, that they will have a negative behavior and that it will be a daytime fiasco. We propose that change the chip and you throw yourself to try it: surely your children surprise you. Of course, you have to be the first with a good attitude and a lot of patience, since children are children and they may, at some time or another, do their own thing.

If it's the first time you go out with the kids, start with plans near home and half day only. Let's see how they carry that being out of their environment. From there, you can try new things, extending the day and incorporating new activities to the planning of the family agenda.

This yes, this no

To spend a day away from home it is important that we take several equipment that will facilitate the day. But they are not as many as you think, so if what you are lazy is to go loaded, for nothing! You can leave home with the right and necessary.

The most basic of your essential list will be the replacement change, in case the children get stained, and diapers and wipes If they still carry them. If your getaway is in the open air, don't forget the sun cream, mosquito repellent, cap and sunglasses. In addition, we suggest you bring water and some healthy snacks, such as bread sticks or fruit, in case you get hungry at the least opportune moment. As you can see, these are simply some things that, if you carry them in a backpack, will barely bother you.

From there, you can add things depending on the plan. If you go to the beach, pool or water park, you should not forget your swimsuit, flip flops and a good umbrella. If, on the other hand, you opt for the mountain, you should take hiking shoes, as well as appropriate clothing and accessories, such as a compass or a map of roads and trails.

Some tools that, although not essential, we recommend you bring toy or book that your son likes and that will serve to be entertained at various times. If you go by car, you can also take your favorite music so that the trip is as enjoyable as possible.

Keep routines

For the children, routines and schedules are very important, especially if they are small. If you are used to eating at a specific time, try to keep that routine as much as possible. You can take a lunch box with your usual food, but if you want to save yourself the journey of transporting food during the trip, something that is not recommended in the heat, think that most restaurants will offer you adequate food for the kids made at the moment. Today bars and restaurants have high chairs but, if you prefer, you can put in the trunk of the car a portable highchair that barely weighs or occupies space.

Another of the basic routines of children is the NAP. If your child is used to sleeping one or two naps a day, keep this need in mind and try not to skip their schedule. They are well rested will greatly influence your behavior during the day and, in addition, it will make it easier for them to have a peaceful sleep at night.

If your nap hours coincide with car travel, you can take advantage of them to sleep at that time. If not, a solution is to bring a compact stroller, that is, that it can be easily folded taking up little space, but that, at the same time, allow to rest completely, so that children can lie down when they need it. The seat is a very good option for specific naps, as it will also be useful for you when you are at the home of other family members or friends.

The Echo Chicco chair fulfills both functions, being an ideal complement to spend the day away from home. When the kids lie on it you can recline the backrest in 5 positions, thus ensuring their comfort and rest.

We hope the simple tips of this post encourage you to leave home and to organize diverse activities to enjoy with the family. And if you have any advice or trick to spend a great day away from home we encourage you to share it on the comments.

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Photos | iStock: Nadezhda1906 / encrier / Nadezhda1906

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