"Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows." Ideal for lovers of adventures, mutants and pizza!

The second installment of the adventures of the four turtles with names of Italian artists, is about to be released in Spain.

"Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows" comes to theaters this next Friday, June 17. Ideal for lovers of the adventures of frantic rhythm, mutants and of course: the pizza!

Produced by Michael Bay and directed by Dave Green, this second installment of "Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows" We have definitely abandoned cartoons and we have become superheroes of flesh, bone and shell.

The first film delivery (and flesh and blood characters) came in 2009, this will be seen in a few days is the second installment and the third film is scheduled to be released in 2018 from this saga that is born from a 90s television cartoons that in turn emerged from a 1984 paper comic created by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.

The teenage mutants of the first installment have grown a little and must make decisions that affect their life and the life of the team that have formed these four peculiar brothers. Four brothers who take thousands of spectators, also teenagers or even younger, to theaters, it is a children's film, yes, but not for the little ones in the house.

Michelangelo, Donatelo, Rafael and Leonardo remain under the tutelage and advice of Splinter, the enormous rat that acts as patriarch of the group and they have the help and friendship of April O'Neil. The camera operator who worked with April on the first installment Vern Fenwick It has a quite different role in this and also, to complete the cast, a handsome policeman appears on the scene, Casey Jones, that is going to help the turtles nothing less than to save the world, since one starts to save something it is always better that it is something truly important.

The movie

The visual speed is what stands out most in the movie, from the start to the end. The rate at which the viewer is subjected is very fast, sometimes perhaps somewhat excessive and also has ups and downs in which the smallest of the room may get a bit off.

Visualmemte is a very round product although in good script themes, it is not that it is of those films that make even children think, it is entertaining, in some moments it can be fun and it makes the almost two hours of tape not done too heavy

Megan fox is the human protagonist of the story again, it is again the face and body of April O'Neil and the races that sticks through the streets of New York rise to a few wedges of scandal heel, show that it is a science fiction story

Appears as Chief of Police Laura Linney who are surprised by turtles and at first have a hard time believing in them, and as a police officer who joins the side of the turtles against the evil Krang, Stephen Amell, a roller hockey player in his spare time.

To talk with the children, after watching the movie, I like the moment of acceptance in the story considering that many of the spectators will be precisely at that moment in which feeling part of the group is so important.

It doesn't matter if others see you differently for some reason or some reason, being different is neither bad nor bad, The important thing is that you respect yourself and become mutant turtles, that you make yourself respected, of course.

I do not like that in a children's movie they say foul words, just at the beginning of the movie when all the children are more attentive and just "the good guys", you can say many very hard things without releasing a "taco".

Nor do I like that scientists take that label of crazy or vain geeks who do not care about evil but fame, I feel them but I do not like that children take home those prejudices.

I like the tour that makes New York, few products better than a good movie to make you want to take the family and travel to those scenarios, I like the music they use during history (maybe it's a matter of age ...) and it's funny how it integrates into the story that they like pizza so much, deep down we look a lot like turtles and teenage humans when it comes to eating tastes.

Photos | Paramount Pictures Spain
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