World Bicycle Day: bike families, happy families

Today is a special day to ride on two wheels and go pedaling while the wind hits us in the face. And if it is in family, better. Today is celebrated on World bicycle Day, an element that connects us with nature, keeps us fit and even serves as a means of transport.

At home we are bike lovers. Almost every weekend we go out for the whole family for a walk and it is certainly something I recommend doing often with the children. It is an activity that you will enjoy both children and adults.

The bike is one of the star gifts of the Kings or birthday, perhaps the first "important" gift in childhood with which you will surely not fail. They will use it for years and it will start to catch the taste of the Liberty sensation That gives the bike.

Kids on bike, happy kids

We should adopt the bike as a usual means of transport, both to go to work or to go to school if you are relatively close. For children it is an adventure, besides being ecological and healthy. It gives them energy and vitality for the rest of the day.

Pedaling is a healthy habit that brings many benefits to children, such as:

  • It improves the general physical condition, especially with regard to the respiratory tract and the cardiocirculatory system.

  • Avoid sedentary lifestyle and reduce the risk of obesity.

  • Boosts the muscle tone of children, especially the legs.

  • The position of the back improves because the muscles of the lumbar spine are strengthened.

  • It favors the strengthening of the body's defense system: like almost all physical activities, it increases resistance to mild diseases such as colds.

  • Bike tours stimulate the senses and enhance love and respect for nature.

  • The release of endorphins in the brain helps to strengthen good mood, self-esteem, confidence ...

  • It reduces stress and helps you relax since you don't need intense concentration.

By bike, always safe

  • Children by bike, always with a helmet, whether they drive or ride. The use of a helmet reduces the risk of serious head injuries in the event of an accident. Its use is mandatory for children under 16, for those over 16 years old, its use is mandatory only on interurban roads, although its use is also recommended in urban areas. It must be approved and of the appropriate size.

  • The vial education It is important if we are going to ride a bike with young children. We must familiarize them with the rules of movement and of course, educate from the example.

  • Use Proper clothing: comfortable clothing, as well as reflective clothing at dusk.

  • Reflective lights: white front and red rear light to be clearly visible.

Video: WORLD'S SAFEST BIKE!!! DaddyTube Wipes Out in Hawaii! GUARDIAN BIKES (July 2024).