The age classification of the films and what can be seen

Weekend plan: go to the family cinema. We check the billboard, the schedules and watch the movies we can go to with the children but who decides whether or not my children are fit to see them?

No, the recommendation of the ministry does not always match our criteria as parents, the age classification of films is not always equivalent to what we see in the cinema because who decides what movies my children can or cannot see?

Well, there is the controversy in recent days, precisely in those decisions, in those people and in everything that seems to be around, in what "lets see".

And I thought that the age classification of the films was more the decision of the parents of the children than in the end, We are the ones who know our children.

The news has jumped this week to the press because several former workers of the agency in charge of pointing out at what ages a film is recommended or not, have denounced the pressures to which the large distributors are subjected to so that age is reduced as much as possible. And they put as an obvious example what happened with the classification of the last film adventure of "The Avengers: the age of Ultron."

The ultimate adventure of these superheroes of Marvel in our country, it went from not being recommended for children under 12 years old initially, except for children under 7 years old when it was time for its release.

According to the aforementioned former employees of the valuation commission, this was due to the fact that from the Ministry of Culture the criteria are being lowered so that movies initially considered somewhat more violent, can be seen by a younger audience, due to the pressures of the big international distributors that pretend that the smallest possible amount of public stays outside the rooms in which their films are exhibited. Business is business.

In the United States, this latest installment of “The Avengers” was not recommended for children under 13, in the United Kingdom and in Germany it was not recommended for children under 12 years old. Is this because Spanish children are more mature to see and understand the violence of a film like this or is it that their governments are less permeable to those supposed pressures that the former workers of this organization talk about?

Final responsibility

In any case, we all know that this of the recommended age to watch or not a movie is only a recommendation, not a ban. Above all they know or should have known all those parents who took their children to see "Deadpool" and were scandalized once in the room did not see that it was not recommended for children under 18?

Numerous fathers and mothers came during the weekend of the premiere to see this other superhero and many of them left the rooms with their families in the middle of the movie, others endured covering the eyes and ears of their children and others had to comfort Some little ones who did not understand the tacos, the lack of respect, or the obscenities of the protagonist and who began to cry, overwhelmed there.

That is the reality: the responsibility of putting a child in a movie theater really belongs to that child's father and mother. And for that the parents have to be informed, they have to take the trouble to think about the child they go to the movies with, they have to know if they will understand or not what they will see, if they will enjoy it, if it is suitable for their education, for their way of understanding life and relating to their peers. Because if we do not do it, what happens is that we expose them to something they are not prepared for or what is the same, we take away a little of their childhood like that, without even realizing it.

Tolerance to violence

If you realize, what marks us the tempo is the violence that exists in the stories and the enormous tolerance we have before it.

Yes, we do not care too much about the number of dead of the tape, in fact this I think is what we care less about. We are relatively concerned about explicit violence but we tolerate it a lot and expose our children perhaps at ages at which we might do them a favor by not exposing them.

But We are much more uncompromising with any sample of affection that may seem to end in something else. Our threshold to eliminate from the sight of our children any sequence that may seem to us that leads us to think about a sexual relationship, makes us rethink very seriously if our child should watch the movie or not.

And yet, perhaps what we should consider is why we do it, why we are like this and why not balance the balance a little more. Raising the bar in terms of filtering violence refers to it and softening it a bit in relation to relationships between people, after all we would like our children in their adult lives to have more possibilities of the latter than of what First, don't you think?

Video: Top 10 Movies That Had The Wrong Rating (July 2024).