The Animalist Party launches a campaign in response to the controversial photo of Fran Rivera

The controversy of the week has undoubtedly been the one led by the bullfighter Francisco Rivera, who made public a photo of him fighting with his 5 month old baby in his arms. There have been all kinds of reactions, mostly in repudiation of the bullfighter, who defended that his daughter was perfectly safe in his arms. But behind the controversy over whether or not it has been irresponsible, there is also another debate, that of animal defense.

In that sense, the Animalist Party has been quick to react and has launched the # PadresConCorazón campaign to highlight the values ​​of fathers and mothers who educate their children from respect for animals and nonviolence.

For those who want to join the initiative, PACMA will collect images of parents with their children during the next few days, in an affective and respectful attitude towards animals.

We want to show that we are a society sensitized to animals, that wants an education based on respect and protection, in which children grow away from violence.

Since the campaign began yesterday, in a single day there are almost 1100 parents who have joined the initiative by sending a photo of their children with their pets.

The current society is not the same as years ago, when the image of Fran in his father's arms, that tradition he wanted to continue, did not raise such controversy. It is clear that the photo of the bullfighter has touched the sensitive fiber of many groups, including that of parents who reject animal suffering, and much more in the presence of a minor.

Video: Welcome message French - Parti animaliste to the Irish - Party for Animal Welfare (June 2024).