7 practical ideas to calm a baby with colic

He crying of a baby It is heartbreaking, unpleasant, intense and we want it to stop as soon as possible, especially when the one who cries is our baby. If babies cry like this, it is pure survival instinct. The only tool babies have for expressing themselves is crying, and the louder the sound, the more chances they have to be taken care of. When the baby cries for colic It can be truly tiring, for him, and for parents. The baby does not stop crying, and there is no way to calm him, he also does it for hours and several days a week.

Why do colic occur?

They are defined as colic the episodes in which the baby cries for no apparent reason for more than 3 hours a day, 3 days a week and for at least 3 weeks. Doctors don't care because the baby is healthy, but for parents it can be a nightmare. It is estimated that up to 40% of babies suffer from colic, which appear around the second or third week of life and end on their own when the baby is 3 or 4 months old.

The exact causes of why colic appear are unknown, but according to most sources, Colic They occur because the baby can swallow gas while eating. The little one is uncomfortable, writhes, turns red, clenches his fists, and there seems to be no way to calm him down. Over time, as your digestive system matures, colic will disappear.

Colic they appear both in babies who are breastfed and in babies fed with formula. In some cases, colic improves if the mother breastfeeds and eliminates certain foods from her diet such as caffeine, dairy, soy, eggs or gluten. It would also be necessary to inquire with the help of the pediatrician if the baby suffers cow's milk intolerance, so you have to be aware of other signs as if you suffer from vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, etc.

How to calm a baby with colic?

When the baby cries, you try everything to calm down, here are some practical ideas (and that work in many cases) to calm the baby with colic:

1- Walk him in arms, with a scarf or in the cart. The sensation of warmth and affection of the arms of the father or mother are the best remedy, and the movement usually calms almost all babies.

2- Massages to flush. After each intake, it is convenient for the child to flush. Even so, sometimes it seems that you are especially uncomfortable and in those cases, there are certain massages that can help you feel better, such as doing the bike with your legs, walking on your stomach, with your stomach resting on our arm, or doing soft circle massages clockwise.

3- Rocking in the hammock. Hammocks are a place where children feel very wrapped and comfortable. They like their swinging movement a lot, and many times babies get enough relaxation to fall asleep in the hammock. If we accompany you with pampering and songs, you will feel much happier and happier.

4- White noise. There are certain sounds that help calm the baby. It is white noise, a monotonous and continuous sound that should remind you when you were in the womb, such as the noise of the washing machine, the dryer, or the vacuum cleaner. There are even mobile applications that mimic that sound to reassure.

5- Calm you with the bathroom and a relaxed atmosphere. Colic usually occurs at the same time, so we can anticipate knowing how the child is most comfortable: walking in the street, at home or with a hot bath.

6- Breastfeeding or special teats. It is proven that with breastfeeding the possible colic decrease because it is the most natural way to drink milk, but if you need to use a bottle today, teats designs they are more and more similar to the mother's nipple thus decreasing the entry of air. The Natural Feeling bottle from Chicco offers three types of teats that adapt to the baby's development stages: inclined, rounded and elongated.

The Natural Feeling inclined nipple 0+ It is specific for newborns. The nipple is always full of milk and thus prevents air intake. In addition, it allows to keep the neck of the newborn in the correct position. Its design with embossed rings of the base mimic the form of elongation of the maternal nipple and help greater elasticity and flexibility of the nipple. The anti-colic double valve Prevents air intake, reducing the risk of colic.

7- Offer the baby security, love and love in a quiet environment. If we are anxious or nervous we will transmit the discomfort to the child, so you have to speak softly and avoid shouting. The atmosphere at home should be relaxed and in harmony, no matter how difficult it is sometimes. The bustle of visitors may not sit well, it is better to have the house with dim lights and no annoying noises. We have to observe the baby and see if certain situations alter him.

Knowing that episodes of colic sooner or later end, we can face it with some more patience. All these methods work sometimes, but even if they don't, comforting the baby even if he is having a bad time and still crying will help him feel loved and accompanying.

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