What are the fears of future parents? the question of the week

People often talk about the fears the pregnant woman has, but less known are the feelings of the future dad in this regard. That's why today in the question of the week we want to know:

What are the fears of future parents?

We hope that the mothers tell us how their partners lived those months of pregnancy in relation to their fears, if they communicated or seemed calm ... And, of course, we would love to know the experience of our readers, of those who are waiting for a baby or have the family already increased: what are your fears as parents?

Last week's question

Seven days ago we asked you how you manage the use of tablets and mobiles with your children, if limits are set or not ... and we have obtained several answers.

According to Letrasdemadera, it is important to set up schedules at an early age for the use of these devices, since they could affect their attention and development.

On the other hand, alkar tells us that his almost two-year-old son only leaves him from time to time, that he manages the mobile better than them, chooses the applications to play, watch a video of songs on YouTube ... And that he has to ask permission before picking up the mobile.

We appreciate the answers and now the new question of the week is now available. You can answer in the answers section so that your comments are valued by other readers and we can count them next week.

Video: Learn Why You Don't Need To Fear Your Future with Rick Warren (July 2024).