One more risk for passive smoking children: tooth decay

To the list of the harm of tobacco for passive smoking children we could add a dental problem, tooth decay. Cavities are frequent companions in childhood, and it seems that the risk factors for their appearance must be added by breathing secondhand smoke.

And it does not matter that the boy or girl does not directly introduce tobacco smoke into his lungs, since it reaches inside, even as if he smoked about five cigarettes a day if he usually smokes at his side.

It is proven that Nicotine stimulates the growth of bacteria that cause tooth decay and that smoking is an important cause of tooth loss and periodontal disease. We cannot think that these oral health problems are not going to reach children, even if they are passive smokers, because they will affect them, even on a smaller scale.

Passive smoking in childhood has many risks, children who breathe tobacco smoke are not only more at risk of infections, have higher blood pressure and more respiratory problems ...

A recent study, conducted by researchers at the School of Medicine and Public Health of the University of Kyoto, Japan, analyzed dental records of about 77,000 children born between 2004 and 2010. In their dental reviews throughout childhood, The mothers answered a questionnaire on the exposure of minors to tobacco smoke: 55.8% of the children were passive smokers.

The younger the children, it seemed that they had more predisposition to develop tooth decay, even when they breathed smoke from babies, when they still had no teeth: they are forming long before leaving (remember that the teeth begin to form in the womb ).

For example, four-month-old babies had a predisposition of almost twice that of their age not exposed to smoke. In the other older children, the risk was greater by 25%. On the other hand, surprisingly, if the mother smoked during pregnancy, it did not seem to affect the number of caries of the child (which does not take away many other proven damages of tobacco during pregnancy).

And although the data cannot still determine the cause and effect for sure, yes confirm the importance of keeping children away from cigarette smoke. They are enough figures to eliminate that smoke from houses, cars, parks and all those places where there are children, don't you think?