Not a drop of alcohol: today is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Day

Zero alcohol in pregnancy. That would be the slogan. But, unfortunately, it is not always true and alcohol consumption during pregnancy is the main preventable cause of congenital defects and developmental disorders in Europe. Today we want to raise awareness about this problem. September 9 is World Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Day.

Although there are frequent (and shocking) campaigns about the effects of fetal alcohol syndrome on babies, many are pregnant women who do not stop drinking. According to WHO, while alcohol is accessible, affordable and socially acceptable, prevention work is hard.

On September 9 (9 of 9, for the months of pregnancy), this day is convened so that we do not forget the serious consequences that the future mother drinks alcohol has for the baby.

Many are fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, which in Spain affects two out of every thousand live newborns. In Mexico, between 7 and 12% of pregnant women drink alcohol frequently.

Fetal alcohol syndrome has become the second cause of mental retardation After Down syndrome and in the most serious cases, fetal death can occur. Malformations, learning, sleep and behavioral disturbances, difficulties in suction ... are other associated disorders.

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders last a lifetime, since there is no cure for these disorders. However, early intervention services can improve the child's development (medications to relieve some symptoms, therapy for behavior and learning, training for parents ...).

Today in World Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Day It is important to remember that the minimum level of alcohol that is safe for the future mother is unknown, so it is not worth taking a risk. If a pregnant woman has this problem, it would be best to ask for help at the Health Center so that they can refer her to a specialist who controls the pregnancy and the report of the risks, and not to think that "nothing happens for a drink".