With all of you: the next generation of adults with cervical problems because of the mobile

I confess that I did not know very well what title to put in this post and that I shuffled between the one you can read and "Why are parents becoming asshole leaving the mobile to our young children", opting for the original for that of being politically correct. But I can't get the other one out of my head, and a few days ago I saw an angry father with his son, who would be a little over a year old, because he had left his cell phone and it fell to the ground (who Can you think of leaving a mobile with a value between 150-600 euros to a child with tiny and clumsy hands?).

A few days ago a study was published that said that more than a third of 6-month-old babies already play with mobiles (no, if even with the title that I have not used I could be falling short). The risk is obviously not all for the mobile. In the end, if it falls, is abolished or broken, it is solved with money. The problem is that the use of the mobile It can have many repercussions on the health of our children. We have already talked about some side effects (and now we will remember them), we had not talked about this one yet, and that is our children will be part of a generation of adults suffering from cervical and back problems because of the mobile, because of our.

How it hurts our children to use the mobile?

Well in many things. 3 months ago we told you that alarms were beginning to go off because we were seeing that the use of mobile phones in children could affect them both at the level of social and emotional development. It is logical, young children are in a delicate moment of development not only physical, but also psychological, and it is important for them to have contact with other children and with other adults to interact and learn social norms and appropriate and inappropriate behaviors. . Come on, what we know as socialization.

At the same time, they look at our expressions, in the tone of voice, in our way of speaking, in our gestures and in those of others to get to know the world of emotions, which will soon begin to feel in their own skin and that they must learn to understand. That they are able to express anger, fear, sadness, joy and, above all, able to verbalize it, realize how they feel and be able to explain it.

All this requires parental interaction and interaction of people. If they do not have it, or it is minimal, because they spend a large part of the day looking at a screen, it will not happen in the same way and all that development is slowed down. That children also do not use the screens so much? Well, I don't know, I see children in their strollers, give them to hit the little games. I also see children in family gatherings, just when they could talk to others and / or listen, isolated in the lighting of their parents' mobiles. They are losing their lives, what happens around their digital microworld.

The mobile means up to 27 kg of weight in the cervical spine

Our colleagues from Vitonica told us a few months ago: the gesture we adopt when using the mobile is a real nonsense. It's something like spending a lot of the day looking at your feet.

Is an unhealthy posture that we should limit and control, just as we have to limit and control how they feel to eat, to paint, the weight of their backpacks, etc. Is it true that we always tell them to stand up and not to sit on one foot? Well, this would be one of those positions that, in the long term, causes overloads in the muscles and joints, in this case, the highest part of the back, shoulders and neck.

It is a complicated area because if it is not in conditions it can appear, easily, headache and even vertigo. In children, surely not, but I say, they are the next generation of adults with neck and back problems, if we do not remedy.

But, if it is the same gesture we adopt when we read!

It is true, when we take a book we adopt a similar position. The difference is that we can vary the posture and many times we even read lying, lifting the book up. With the mobile it can also be done, but as a book you only hold it and the mobile you are touching it, which has fallen on your chest or face twice you stop doing it.

In the case of children it is not comparable. The time that a baby or a child who does not read can be with a book is minimal. A baby can spend a few minutes, a child, let's put a quarter of an hour between looking at drawings and turning pages. With the mobile, the time lasts what the battery lasts or what it takes mom or dad to decide what to play or change activity.

In addition, in any case, it is more interesting that they become familiar with books, pages, looking at them from left to right and taking care of them and treating them well because in them, in books, they will find culture and knowledge when they are older.

And what to do?

In the case of adults it is quite simple: talk more with people and less with "virtual friends" (who then see them in person and some do not greet you) and, above all, try change the posture by raising the arm to look more forward and less down. In the case of children, it is difficult to ask them to raise their hands because the mobile weighs them much more and because, because of the size, they will not be able to handle it, so it is worth making responsible use.

How do you do that? Well, following the advice we gave you not long ago when we published the entry "How to manage the use of mobile so that our children are not abducted by the screen", which are the sea of ​​simple and logical and that surely you are all able to explain Before reading them. The problem? That the theory is known to all parents (or so I want to believe), but then at the time of putting it into practice they fail.

Photos | iStock
In Babies and more | If you want to sleep well on mobile phones, tablets or TV in the room, Taiwan prohibits the use of tablets and mobiles for children under two years, Get rid of the mobile and connect your children

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