To move the skeleton! Eight reasons to dance with children

 It can be done almost anywhere and it is a hilarious way to keep fit. The babies are born programmed for the dance and we are not going to be the ones that prevent it… We propose to move the skeleton with the children with eight reasons that advise it, although surely you have others of your own.

  1. Dancing is very funny. It is the main reason, since the favorite music is heard and makes us feel good, interacting in a fun way with the family.
  2. Strengthens muscles and bones. Dancing is an exercise of strength and doing so strengthens many muscles of the body and bones. Repetitions to turn on the choreography well increases muscle effort.
  3. Dancing makes us more flexible, since some movements or "pirouettes" require the muscles to stretch.
  4. Increase resistance capacity. Dancing is an aerobic exercise, to be moving continuously strengthens the heart and endures longer without fatigue.
  5. Improves posture, gross motor skills and coordination. It is important to maintain a correct posture, without forcing, during the dance. This will be extrapolated to daily life, making the posture better overall. This helps to release tension and prevent serious injuries.
  6. It keeps us in shape, since the physical exercise practiced usually helps, together with a healthy diet, to have an adequate weight. And in the funniest way!
  7. It keeps the brain active, since to learn the movements or invent a choreography you have to make it work. The brain "trains" because memory develops, improves the ability to do several things at once, synchronize and learn new things. It is also stimulated musically.
  8. The dance helps to make friends, there are dances as a couple, in a group ... and can be performed almost anywhere. A good dance helps them to disinhibit themselves. How about a dance contest in the park or on birthdays?

We hope that these motives encourage you to dance a little more with your children. Or maybe no reasons are needed? Any excuse is good and sure that it is enough to let ourselves be carried away by music ... Everyone to dance!

Video: Brain Breaks - Action Songs for Children - Move and Freeze - Kids Songs by The Learning Station (July 2024).