YouTube Kids is coming, the YouTube for children

We announced it to you a few months ago and we wondered if it was really necessary. Now, YouTube Kids arrives, the YouTube for the little ones, a free iOS application that has just been presented in the US AppStore.

The next step, we imagine, will be the extension to the rest of the world, with which the little ones will be able to navigate between the videos of the portal without risk of falling into inappropriate content.

In this sense, it is good for those children who surf the internet alone, but I hope that these cases are the least, since as children it is best that we spend that time with them, educating them in the good use of new technologies. And, we can narrow down what they see on YouTube, but they can continue diving in the rest of the network, and we already know that they can find all kinds of content.

What I find interesting are the adjustments of YouTube Kids settings, which for example allow us to define maximum viewing times. Among the contents that children can access, there are children's programs, music, educational channels ...

Although we have not been able to access the application because it is only available for the United States, I imagine that the contents are the same as those in the general channel and not specific contents. So we could reach them if we do the search with our children, discarding other inappropriate videos.

Anyway, if on the one hand it seems good that they believe specific channels for kids like YouTube Kids and may be fine for a little while, on the other I worry that we trust that they are already prepared to spend a lot of time alone in front of the screens.

Video: Paw Patrol Toy Learning Video for Kids, Children, Toddlers & Babies! - Organic Learning (May 2024).