Pilates guide for pregnant women

Right after leaving the first trimester of pregnancy I have filled myself with energy and recovered the feeling of wanting to be active all day. After a small physical break by medical prescription, I have been investigating some activities that I could probably carry out now and one of them is Pilates practice for pregnant women, a series of very beneficial exercises for our body to stay, prepare for childbirth and incidentally, it costs less to "return to normal" after delivery.

Benefits of doing pilates during pregnancy

Given that this method combines physical exercise, stretching and breathing control, it can be considered as one of the best for those who are waiting for a baby. Of course, taking into account that before starting with this or any other activity It is necessary to consult with the gynecologist to verify that everything is in order and there is no risk to the mother or the baby.

Among the most important benefits of practicing pilates for pregnant women we have the following:

  • It helps to maintain good circulation (an issue that will also be noticed in the appearance of varicose veins).
  • It helps strengthen the lower extremities and the pelvic floor to support the increased weight of the abdomen and labor.
  • It helps to avoid discomfort such as back pain, pelvis and tired legs.
  • You learn breathing exercises that will come in handy during labor.
  • It helps you relax and feel more flexible.
  • It helps to maintain an adequate weight during pregnancy and to recover the body after childbirth.

When to practice pilates?

During the first quarter

Bearing in mind that this is the moment when pregnancy is most at risk, the ideal is that the physical activity is reduced to small walks or walks that increase the pulsations or make efforts that may compromise the safety of the baby.

During the second trimester

It is ideal to start the practice of the pilates method. The best positions for this era are those that are performed in a "four-legged" position, since these strengthen the back without the tummy constituting a problem or interfering with the exercise routine.

It is also the time to start with the work of strengthening the pelvic floor that will help us maintain muscle tone after delivery. These exercises are characterized because they simulate the effort we make when we try to hold urine and they are perfect precisely to avoid incontinence after giving birth. Fitball is a great tool to perform this type of routines (sitting, lying down and back against the wall).

During the last quarter

During the last gestation period, exercises that are recommended help the baby fit (achieve the perfect position to be born), and those who help the breath control, since with them we learn to direct the air to specific points of our body. At this point, fitball is again a great option as a work tool.

Are there risks or is Pilates contraindicated for pregnant women?

If you didn't exercise before getting pregnant, This is not a good time to start. You will achieve greater benefits if you practice it after giving birth, since pregnancy includes an additional physical effort than normal. Adding another additional one to which he is not accustomed can be harmful to the mother.

There are also medical contraindications such as placenta previa, bleeding, hypertension, heart failure and others that we mention when we explain what the Pilates method consists of, although in general it follows that any problem for which rest is recommended (absolute or relative) , will be a condition for not practicing it.

Where to do pilates for pregnant women?

Taking into account that the physical conditions of a pregnant woman and another woman who is not are different, it is vital to attend classes designed especially for us, since there are specific contraindicated exercises during this period. Before starting, find out if the staff that teaches the classes is qualified for it.

As usual you can find this kind of sessions in gyms, in municipal sports centers or in centers specialized in physical conditioning for pregnant women.

Remember that performing this and any other exercise (however basic), will bring you many advantages, but you can maximize them if you continue practicing them in the postpartum period. In this way you will recover faster and you will hardly notice the typical traces of pregnancy.

Have you practiced this or any other exercise during pregnancy?

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Video: Pilates Exercises To Avoid During Pregnancy - Leah Stewart (July 2024).