"0% passport": an application that teaches teenagers to resist the pressure of alcohol consumption

“0% passport” is a application developed for Android mobile devices, which aims to prevent alcohol consumption among minors. It was presented not long ago in Valladolid by its creators: the Don Bosco Confederation of Youth Centers.

It is a tool whose design and development have involved adolescents, youth animators, fathers and mothers, as well as health, education, childhood and computer technicians.

0% passport is full of fun, but healthy fun ... because when used, minors can learn to reduce the social pressure exerted on alcohol consumption, which happens after approximately 13 years.

Thus, the organization shows once again that they are committed to childhood, and to the promotion of healthy habits in children, good for them!

This application has been thought about everything to play in groups in non-formal education spaces such as youth centers, free time associations, or clubs of a cultural or sports nature, in which the social relations of its members are also fostered.

It is about overcoming missions, getting after it stamps to complete the passport, while sharing the successes with other players.

The message is that you can cope with the pressure with or without training, but also that Alcohol and fun don't go together if you don't want to; and above all that the excesses with the most consumed drug in our country, only cause problems of all kinds.

The motto is 100% Fun, 0% Risk, after all, adolescence is a stage worth living, feeling every moment and making own decisions. All this is really complicated if drugs are used.

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