Things you never imagined would happen to you as a mother

Being a mother is wonderful, and even if they tell us that we don't have to change our lives, life changes. And a lot. We discover what love is without limits, we learn, we grow stronger.

But also things happen to us that we never imagined would happen to us as a mother and we do things that never crossed our minds. Here are a few of them.

Poop, farts and vomiting

Poop, farts and vomiting They will no longer be a taboo subject. Let's smell poop. Let's poke around in the poop. Let's talk, a lot, but a lot, about poop. We will search the internet for types of poop. We will get to ask our mother who is taking care of our son to keep the poop to see her when we get home from work.

The ventosities of our baby will also become a cause for concern, but above all, the most amazing thing is that we will smell farts and even applaud delighted when the baby throws one.

Vomiting and regurgitation will complement this profound discovery of the functions of the gastric apparatus. It will stop disgusting to clean up vomiting. We will be able to put the hand in the mouth of the child when he vomits trying to pick it up, even if it is a useless mission.

We will go out with a stick of curdled milk that has regurgitated in our blouse and we will not even notice. And we will even wake up at night when the child throws up on us, we will attend and fall asleep without remembering to clean the remains of our hair or pajamas.

In the bathroom

About go alone to the bathroom It will end up resulting in something you barely remember. You will not pee or poop alone and you will not mind. You will even breastfeed the baby sitting in the water.

You won't take a bath in years, and if you do, it will be accompanied by a child and lots of floating toys. If you take a shower, you will do it with a half head outside the screen or the curtain making monkeys to the baby you have in the carrycot looking at you, so that he does not cry.

And even you will buy, possibly, a fulard of those that can get wet to shower with him because if you can not take a shower until night, if there is luck.

The truth is that, if you are not alone at home and someone stays with the child or is safe and distracted, you will take the opportunity to get into the bathroom even if you do not need it to be alone for a while. We've done it all, don't feel crazy.

You will go out to buy one day and when you return home you will see that you went out in slippers and with a nest of birds in your hair that shows that you have not combed your hair even today or yesterday. You will be a super mom without combing but happy.

Let's accept that our appearance It is no longer the same. You will have other priorities. You will be able to dress in the dark almost without breathing so as not to wake the child to realize when you wear a shoe of each class, a sock of each color or the blouse upside down. Things that happen. And being a mother will be the most wonderful experience of your life.

Your father and mother

You will see your parents with other eyess. Insurance. You will understand your mother as you never thought you would understand her and you will understand that of "I have not sat all day" because it may be true in your case. You will also see your father act with a tenderness that you never saw in him as a child and that will thrill you greatly. You will discover how difficult it is to clean a house with a child.

But you will also find yourself saying hateful phrases that your mother said and did not like you at all. With a little effort, you will identify and avoid them, but going out alone will leave you.

Other crazy things

You will get into an absolutely icy pool to accompany your child. Your arms and legs will fall asleep if you have it sitting in a chair so as not to disturb your sleep. It won't even occur to you to wear white clothes, especially pants. Being a mother is hard work.

And of course, between the things you didn't imagine would happen to you when you were a mother, it cannot be missed that you will discover that one of the most painful things in the world is to step on an abandoned LEGO on the ground in the middle of the night.

Video: 6 Mothers With Surprises You Would've Never Imagined (July 2024).