"There is no better milk than human": World Breastfeeding Week 2014

Although it was celebrated the first week of August promoted by WABA (World Alliance for Breastfeeding Alliance), in Spain and the rest of Europe the World Breastfeeding Week 2014 It is celebrated during the first week of October.

This year's motto is "A triumph for a lifetime" because we know the benefits it has for the development of the baby at all levels, both immediate and long term, and as WHO has said because "there is no better milk than human".

As we said a few days ago, breast milk can never be imitated by any artificial food. It is a real biological gold, an intelligent substance that adapts to the needs of the baby and is not only the best food but also acts as a protective shield at the immunological level, among many other nutritional and emotional advantages that it would be very long to list now.

We are already in the countdown to meet the "Millennium Development Goals" for 2015 among which breastfeeding has a great role. Its protection, promotion and support are essential to achieve them. And of course, beyond 2015 we must continue to support and promote it among all because it is a simple gesture that saves millions of children's lives every year.

Throughout the week, associations and support groups throughout Spain organize events to commemorate the World Breastfeeding Week 2014. If you want to join, you can check the agenda of activities on the IHAN website.

Video: Tee Grizzley - "Satish" Official Video (July 2024).