Discounts at restaurants if our children behave well?

Surely after reading the headline you are shaking your head, closing your eyes tightly and opening them again to see if you have read well, or have understood well. Yes, you read correctly. Some US restaurants and Canada have begun to do discounts if at the end they consider that the children have behaved well. Something that in the account is translated as "Well Behaved Kids" or children with good behavior.

The discount seems to move between 4 and 5 dollars, which is not small, and my question is whether these discounts will be extended and seeing more and more restaurants. While it is happening, or not, I am going to take the point because it deserves it.

What is the criterion to consider that they have good behavior?

The first thing is to know what needs to be done so that they consider that children behave well, or what not to do. Perhaps there are those who consider well-behaved children who wash their hands before eating, who remain seated in their chairs and eat everything. Perhaps there are those who consider that it is enough that don't make more noise than the rest of the people who are eating there, which then could not be considered "well educated", because in many restaurants there are people that I would not consider well educated.

I imagine that everything will be summed up in a "have not bothered others", which translates into "as your children have been respectful of other customers, we reward you"

Awards or punishments?

Just as there are parents who have seen these awards on their tickets, there are others who have seen punishment. Apparently it is less frequent, basically because it is a perfect way to lose customers, but in some restaurants parents have ended up paying more as punishment for having too loud children.

Well, not only for losing customers, I'm sure it's what they want, not to come back, but because nobody is willing to overpay for being told that their children have been bothering. Surely nobody is saved from the discussion.

Should we reward normal?

Leaving aside if it is right or wrong, even if I go ahead that I am not very friendly with these awards, what should make us reflect is the fact. That the restaurants have ended up rewarding parents for having children who behave well, without disturbing others, that it is what is expected of any child and of any person, to think about it for a little while.

It means that many children bother in restaurants while their parents eat, laugh or do whatever, without worrying about what they may or may not be doing.

A restaurant is not usually a place where a child especially has fun. Where we see a place to eat, rest a little and start conversations with other adults they only see food and chairs, tables and recesses where to play and hide. If they ate as much as we did, we would still have a good time sitting. The problem is that they eat less and they have finished quickly. Then they start to get bored and start looking for what to do for fun. Either we are aware of this and we avoid restaurants, or if we go we take it into account and in addition to asking for respect for others, We do something to prevent them from pretending to have fun in the restaurant, annoying perhaps others.

But this is what I and some parents see, and from what I see, we will not be a majority, because if we have to reward this now, which is logical, how many parents will not do it and how many children will be at ease everywhere, bothering Those who eat and work.

Do not, do not reward normal. I do not want my children to be respectful so that I can lose 4 or 5 euros the bill. I want them to be like that because I want others to be with me and with them.

It is very sad that they ended up like this, but I guess they have not come up with anything better to get parents to be for their children. I just hope they don't turn against them and the restaurants that don't do it don't get mad. We already know that there are people for everything, and surely there will be those who say "let's go to that one, that they don't pay there if they behave well, and so they can do whatever they want."

Video: Use this Method to Get Your Child to Listen and Behave (July 2024).