Learn to configure the levels of privacy in the Social Networks that your children use

As Marcos already anticipated last Saturday, tomorrow (February 11) is Safe Internet Day, which as every year serves to promote safer and more responsible use of online technology and mobile phones, especially among children and young people around the world.

The slogan of this year's campaign is “We are going to create a better Internet together”, and various events will be held around the world to launch this important message. I believe that beyond the activities that the information media will show us, we need to believe that we want for us and for our children, a Healthy and Safe Internet, in which our behaviors will be oriented to avoid risk situations (or minimize them)

Once I have told you this, I would like to share with you a publication of the Minors section in the Internet Security Office, which clearly explains to the parents the support mechanisms offered by some social networks. The objective is to know how they work, how privacy levels are configured, and what safety tips should we transfer to children. As indicated in the referenced entry, it seems to be a complicated issue for many parents who do not use social networks, or who do so from an adult perspective. In these cases, sometimes it goes from ignorance to excessive control, and what it is about is to help children take care of their privacy, and understand that Internet misuse can lead to problems, which we would surely like to avoid.

From OSI, they tell us about the information that Facebook, Tuenti, Twitter and Google put at our disposal. They are very interesting materials, and Taking a look is not a waste of time at all, but a security investment, don't you think?

Video: Social Media 101: Facebook Privacy Settings and Page Management (July 2024).