A goddess girl with 4 arms and 4 legs. The cases of twins-Siamese.

That a girl is born with 8 limbs is an unusual and exceptional fact. It is understandable that in her village she was considered the reincarnation of Laskshimi, the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune, love and beauty. What is not understandable or acceptable is that the neighbors reject their operation. If you watch this video, one finds that you can't live like that, the girl (called Laskshimi Tatma) can't even walk.

This strange case is due to the fact that the girl was born joined by the pelvis to the body of a twin brother who did not develop correctly and is called "twin parasite"In medical terminology. It has two spines, four kidneys, tangled nerves, two stomach cavities and two pectoral cavities. This is its skeleton:


The case of Siamese twins is a malformation that appears in one in 250,000 births. They originate from a single fertilized egg, so they are always identical and of the same sex. 50% of Siamese twins are born dead and the overall survival rate is 5 to 25%.

Historical data of the last 500 years contain detailed information about 600 Siamese twins, of which more than 70% have been female.

In Nature, cases like this sometimes occur, fortunately we no longer display them in circuses, only on TV. In this blog you have photos of a lamb with 7 legs and a cow with 6. But they have not been able to get rid of the popular morbidity and they do go to fairs.

This story of the Hindu girl has a happy ending because a team of 36 surgeons She was operated in a hospital in South India for more than 72 hours and survived. But can he recover the lost 2 years ?. A great challenge for psychomotor experts.

In Europe and the US, the cases of compensation for erroneous births that we have already mentioned were not so striking. What would the judges dictate in a case like this?

Video: Conjoined Twin Sisters Attached At The Head. BORN DIFFERENT (July 2024).