Original photos of babies turned into movie characters

More and more parents are embarking on the adventure of doing an original photo album of his children, and so we find images as different as you are with babies turned into movie characters.

How would our baby be in a scene from "The Little Mermaid"? Or doing Hulk in a shattered city? What if our child was Woody from "Toy Story"? What would you put on the sole of your shoe? All this has been imagined by MStudio photographers and you can see it below.

The idea is of a couple of designers who had their twins nine months ago, Mateo and Macarena, and who, tired of taking the typical photos, decided to start experimenting with the images and an editor to obtain these amazing results.

Seeing these montages make me want to learn how to handle Photoshop, it is clear that it takes expertise and a lot of work to get the original photographs of babies, placing them in the most unusual situations and turning them into characters in stories and movies. Of course, the kids are great models ... I hope you like the images.

Photos | Facebook MStudio In Babies and more | The magic of birth, "Cardboard Box Office": the funny blog of moviegoers, Baby dreams in beautiful pictures