Where you can find the best and most original Christmas sweets in Madrid

Thanks to 11870 we have learned what are the best pastry shops to find the richest and most original Christmas sweets in Madrid. The article covers shops specializing in roscones de Reyes, nougat, mantecados, polvorones, marzipan and also recommends panettones. In addition, as you really want to walk, very well sheltered, through a city with good avenues to do it and with such a complete leisure and restoration offer, finding you in Madrid these oases of Christmas sweets is a great pleasure for the senses.

It is best to take advantage of free time with children and shop around to take advantage of any time of day and see the shop windows of Madrid's bakeries, many of them very veteran and with a high specialization in seasonal products. The pastry sector accumulates at this time a quarter of its annual sales and its workers offer us polvorones, marzipans, nougat and many roscones de Reyes are already seen through the shop windows.

Of the patisseries highlighted by 11870, which I recommend reviewing, I leave you with the one that illustrates the image, Mira House which is in the Carrera de San Jerónimo 30, one minute Congress of Deputies and five minutes from the Sun. The confectionery dispatches exquisite nougat in addition to marzipan, stuffed wafer almonds, oranges, candied fruits and many more temptations. They have a price that should be reviewed before launching to buy although artisan work has to be valued and rewarded.

The purpose of these visits is to enjoy with the kids, that they live the experience of the walk, the shop window, the interior of the store, the ambience of the streets and that they complement their leisure time with learning and knowledge of the most typical Christmas sweets and rich