Decalogue of tips to resume exercise after childbirth

Many moms will take months to exercise again, but if you are one of those who are used to frequent physical activity before becoming a mother, you probably want to start as soon as possible. Let's see a Decalogue of tips to resume exercise after childbirth And may this not turn against us.

Because although physical activity is very necessary and advisable, we must perform it properly so as not to fall into unnecessary risks and be healthy, in full form to continue with our rhythm of life that, indeed, will be more active from now on together to the baby.

We probably won't find time, but we may have to make an effort to look for it, since the fact of exercising will allow us, among other things, to enjoy more the baby and our new state, or rest better at night (which at in turn it helps us to be better with the new family member).

For all this We are determined to resume the exercise after childbirth, and here are our tips so that you do it without risks:

  • The return to exercise must be gradual, do not try to return to the rhythm before pregnancy (not even the one you were carrying during pregnancy) because the body needs a reasonable time to recover from the effort made during childbirth. There are exercises that can be started practically hours after delivery (like Kegel's) but for others that require more mobility we will wait.

  • Once we start the activity, we can start with the exercises that are softerFor example, walking, swimming, yoga ... instead of running or aerobics. We must avoid sudden movements, those that force the joints or those that affect the abdomen in case of caesarean section.

  • Make series of short exercises and gradually you can increase the intensity. Rest between the different movements so that muscle tone is recovered.

  • Try to organize several exercise sessions throughout the day instead of a longer one. In this way we achieve that the muscles do not load or force the organism. Anyway, the most common is that you can not do very long sport sessions, unless you do them with the baby, which is also a very good idea.

  • Use a suitable bra (part of chest care after delivery) and comfortable and breathable clothing that does not hinder our movements. The same in the case of footwear, it is important that it fits our foot even if we have changed numbers.

  • Control heart rate, and rest at the slightest sign of irregularity or tiredness. Do not force the machine, but increase the intensity and frequency of the exercises very little by little. The usual thing is that tiredness or the negative effects of overexertion are not noticed until the next day, so we must be vigilant and be alert to the warning signs (fatigue, shortness of breath, blurred vision ...).

  • Stay well hydrated before, during and after exercise, otherwise your body may suffer. Do not go thirsty especially if you are breastfeeding.

  • Take care of the food, do not exercise on an empty stomach. The diet is the greatest ally of physical activity to recover the figure after childbirth. Forget miraculous diets that can be harmful to health and combine a healthy and balanced diet with exercise.

  • It devotes special attention to the perineal and abdominal muscles, which have been distended by pregnancy and can lead to future problems such as incontinence. There are specific exercises to recover the pelvic floor that will come in handy at this stage of life. Also the abdomen needs exercise, care and patience.

  • Find the moment. Do not give up taking care of yourself and exercising: alone, with the baby, with your friends, with your partner and your older children, with other recent moms, at home or in the gym, on the street, in the park, on weekdays or on weekends ... Anyway, we assure you that once you resume the exercise your body, your mind and your baby will thank you.

In short, it will depend on your weight gain during pregnancy, on the physical activity habits you had before and during pregnancy, on your diet, on recovery and on the practice of exercise, but the extra kilos may disappear little little by little We must propose it and hopefully these tips to resume exercise after childbirth Encourage them to do so.

Photos | Fuzzyyol and OC Parks on Flickr In Babies and more | Return (or not) to recover the figure after childbirth, Diet to recover the form after childbirth, but also exercise, When and how to return to exercise after childbirth

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