A good idea: swings for stuffed animals

I have mixed feelings with stuffed animals. On the one hand, they seem super cute to me, I would sleep surrounded by them, but on the other I find them little useful toys, which take up too much space and only collect dust on a shelf.

That's why they seemed to me a good idea create a special and decorative place to place them, like these swings for stuffed animals What can you do yourself with the help of the kids.

What do you need? Very simple materials: some wooden sticks that you can pick up in the forest (by the way, you have already solved a summer plan with the children), white cotton rope and nails to attach the swings to the wall. The tools you will need are a saw to cut the sticks as you like and a drill to make the holes.

Once the sticks are cut to the desired size, you have to pierce them at both ends, pass the rope and knot it. Then you will have to make another knot in the opposite end of the rope that will serve to nail and hang the swing.

In this way, you solve the storage of stuffed animals while creating a decorative element that will give a touch of originality to the children's room.

You can create a composition of two or three swings at different heights and sit the stuffed animals there. With this good idea I think I am able to fall in love with them again.

Video: How to Organize Stuffed Animals (July 2024).