Traveling alone with the child, do we dare?

There are many single-parent families who already know what I am talking about, but in general, families usually travel as a couple and with their children. Also dad or mom can stay at home and the other member of the couple travel with the son or children.

It is likely that mom or dad cannot travel for whatever reason and we really feel like a getaway. If the kids also feel like it, why not try? It will be an enriching experience, as it is always traveling, but that will also enrich especially the relationship of father or mother with the son or daughter.

A special bond is created to see that we are living something unique. And yes, the rest of the family will be missed, but you will enjoy the trip and return home with lots of memories and experiences, lots of pictures and lots to tell you.

It is something I could check the last Christmas holidays with my oldest daughter. We decided to go to Santander, and it was an unforgettable trip. I do not know if you have ever felt that when you go out (to make the purchase, to walk) only with one of your children seems to behave better.

I don't know if it's because they don't feel "competition" or need to be noticed, but they are calmer, more willing to do what you propose. Also, I imagine, the elderly are more relaxed and interact differently.

And apart from that good disposition during the trip on the part of both, there were also many excellent conversation moments. There were two of us, she for me and I for her. We talked a lot and learned a lot.

I even had the feeling that she wanted to show me that traveling with me was going to be great and that I wouldn't have a "complaint." I also think that "Mom is everything to me" liked it a lot, what more could that childish egocentrism ask that Mom not give up on her usual interactions with dad or the little brothers ...

Of course, I have promised the little girl a trip alone soon, because although she was delighted with her father, grandmother and aunt, she also wants to try that of traveling alone with mom, and we miss her a lot ... In fact the sister named her every two by three: if Emma were here, surely Emma this and that ...

That is the worst part of traveling alone with the child, which we will miss the rest of the family. But there are also many good things as we can see ... and the fact is that sometimes we cannot travel all together.

That is why when in my environment someone tells me that they cannot travel or go to this or that part because the couple is not "available", I encourage them to go alone. But I recognize that it is not something that in my environment they usually do, rather they look at me with the face of ... "How are we not going to go together?".

For us, it was only two days, and we were very close, but it was two days in which we learned a lot, we talked a lot, we made very interesting visits, we walked, we listened to stories ... and it is complicated that we love each other more, but I can say that we We met better.

So if we dare to travel with only one child, another issue is to travel with two or three ... Because traveling with more than two small children for two adults can already be complicated, with two children who run around and especially if the children it's hard to stay with mom or dad, the trip can get complicated ...

I speak for me, surely many moms or dads dare to it. In fact I think I am taking practice to encourage me to travel later alone with the two girls ... if they are not possible "reinforcement" escorts.

So, if for whatever circumstances, you can't travel all and you feel like making a getaway, I recommend traveling alone with your son or children, if you are used to traveling all together it will not be difficult to "divide", at least logistically.

Photos | Phil Campbell and Baron Valium on Flickr-CC In Babies and more | The more eyes there are, the more guarded are the children? Is it possible to travel with more than two small children? Traveling with children: nobody said it was easy

Video: I Dare You Challenge! (July 2024).