What do parents need to have to educate their children at home?

We are facing the start of the new school year in Spain, hundreds of schools will open the doors during the first two weeks of September. The summer vacations are over and the children start a new course loaded with unused books (at the same time that the parents carry the VAT increase).

But not all children 'go back to school', because in the homeschoolers families the little ones continue to learn after summer in their homes. We have already talked about homeschooling here before, and we have even met several moms who educate their children at home following a formal education through projects, or from the conviction that children do not need methods or schedules to learn.

In case any of you wonder about the ability and attitude that homeschoolers parents should have, I want to approach you from Familia Libre, an article written by Azucena Caballero, which summarizes in five points, the things that are needed to educate from home:

1.-Desires to be with children, to do activities with them or spend time playing and interacting.

To educate at home the ideal thing is that you love being with them, that you imagine nothing better than being able to be by their side as long as possible

2. Patience, you need an initial dose that can then be increased. It would be good to be able to shut up, wait, understand and enjoy everything that educating at home can bring.

3.-Confidence, in children (for example in their ability to be interested in the world around them), in oneself (ability to seek information, resources and help), and in the couple.

4.-Cultural restlessness, it is necessary that parents homeschoolers like to read, paint, visit exhibitions, etc. (It is not necessary to have all these hobbies, but it is possible to possess them).

As parents homeschoolers we are the continuous model for our children for most of the day, and we have to think about what kind of model we want to convey

5. Proactive attitudeIn all aspects that involve the lives of children, we must try to 'go ahead'.

His training includes the academic, physical, nutritional, hygienic, emotional, moral and social part, and in everything you have to act intensively

Homeschooling is an educational option just as valid as any other, and as I have said before, It has the incentive that allows children to learn at their own pace. Otherwise getting these kids to relate to their peers, in most cases, it is not too complicated.