Minors should not undergo artificial tanning sessions

For many people being tan is synonymous with beauty, even though dermatologists tell us every year that the excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays is dangerous to our health.

We have all heard that our skin "has memory", and that is why the sun exposure is so risky, as a practice that is directly related to the development of melanoma.

And if we protect young children from the harmful effects of the sun (knowing that it is necessary and appropriate as long as it is taken in small doses). We should also be aware of our children when they grow up and become teenagers, because sometimes they want to use tanning booths In beauty centers. And this is because, as we said three days ago, children are a very vulnerable population group to these radiations, there are also some scientific reviews that ensure that when artificial tanning begins to be used before the age of 30, they increase by 75% The chances of developing melanoma.

We are all exposed to myths that circulate from mouth to mouth, and this issue is no exception: “I go to the tanning center because my neighbor has told me that it is very good for the skin, that is how it prepares for the sun's rays on the beach”. As if the cabin lamps did not emit ultraviolet radiation too !, and in more concentrated doses (and therefore harmful).

Short skirts, flashy sandals, a new hairstyle, light accessories, tight tops, not a kilo of more ... and a very tanned skin. All this is part of the "summer pack" for many young people (and sometimes not so much) who want to set style and have a great time in summer. But sometimes it is worth claiming the difference and staying only with some elements of the set, because after all (and as unforgettable as summer is) in September, autumn returns and then winter again. It is important that we get “beautiful and handsome” because this makes us feel good, but not at the cost of our health

There are places where it is categorically prohibited that minors can access tanning booths: This is the case in England and Wales (in the United Kingdom), Brazil (in South America) or the state of California. When this aspect is legislated, tanning centers are usually obliged to keep an exhaustive registry of clients, with significant penalties for non-compliance. They are recent examples of law development in this regard.

In our country there is a Decree Law of 2002 in which the prohibition is mentioned, but this is articulated only through posters and information sheets. I think that health authorities must act to protect the health of citizens, but also that it is we who must manage our well-being, and there is nothing better than the information to do so.

The World Health Organization (WHO) notes that the use of sun beds carries a risk of skin cancer, and that no person under 18 should use them. It is known that young people who suffer burns from exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays are at a higher risk of developing melanoma later in life. On the other hand, recent studies show that there is a direct relationship between the use of sun beds and skin cancer. The aforementioned organization emphasizes in a statement of the year 2005 that “in recent years there has been a growing concern about the excessive use of sunbeds among the population, in particular among adolescents, in order to wear a tanned skin, something that considered enviable from the social point of view. However, the use of sun beds has led to a vertiginous increase in the number of skin cancer cases "

The Spanish Association of Venereal Dermatology has published recommendations to minimize the impact of ultraviolet rays emitted by tanning booths, because they have realized that their use is still present. But nevertheless the only indication for minors is that they should avoid this practice.

Video: My First and last Tanning Bed Experience (July 2024).