Today we are going to paint Easter eggs

I promised you a week ago that we would talk about decorating Easter Eggs in our series of articles dedicated to Spring, we just started the season, explaining how it should be a good planning for excursions, as well as offering some notes on the basic equipment. Today we will give our spring post a more artistic touch.

I know two ways to decorate Easter eggs and I will explain the one that is easier for us: once emptied and dried they are decorated with brush and acrylic paint according to the chosen design. Perhaps you know another way to change the appearance of eggs, once cooked they are immersed in a mixture of water, vinegar and coloring, it is a process that we have not done, so I will focus on the first. Eggs can be emptied like this: the shell is washed and dried, then two small holes are made at the ends with a sewing needle, once they are made they can be enlarged a little with the same needle by circular movements ... and very carefully so that they do not break. Then we place one of the ends on a bowl holding the egg with the hand, and now we are going to blow hard through the other hole so that the content that will serve us later for an omelet or sponge cake comes out. It can be achieved with a little patience, and if you think the holes are still small, we can enlarge them again until they are half the size of a pea.

It was time to wash them inside, letting in tap water and stirring, and also drying them on absorbent paper.

Before starting to paint them, we will cover the work table with newspaper or plastic sheets so as not to stain, we will prepare a glass of cleaning brushes with water for each artist and also a cotton cloth next to each glass. There should be fine and medium brushes in sufficient quantity for small painters, and dark colored markers to delimit the design.

We will give each child an egg placed on a plate and they can shape the motif they want with or without help, they can even help by previously drawing the picture with a rotator: They can be decorated with baskets, rabbits, flowers, butterflies, suns and moons, etc.. So that they dry well we will hook them in a kitchen skewer and leave in a glass jar or tin.

And what are we going to use them for? We can hang them, give them to friends in a basket, or hide them before our egg hunt, but any of the uses we give them will be satisfactory because they have been made with love.

And if you do not have time, you think that they are not tricky or you have broken the eggs you had prepared, do not worry, you can still use these decals to decorate them that our Decoesfera companions presented to us a few days ago, more practical impossible.

Video: How To Decorate Easter Eggs? DIY Easter Ideas For Painting Eggs! Easter 2018. A+ hacks (July 2024).