"If you open your eyes I take you home", the emotional story of the Argentine nurse who adopted the baby he was caring for

Sometimes, we know such incredible stories that it is impossible not to get excited when reading them. Stories in which the goodness of the human being, generosity and the struggle for life and for achieving a dream, are the main protagonists.

Santino was born in February 2017, 20 days before his expected date. His arrival in the world was not easy, because the child had health problems and his family had abandoned him. But in the hospital where he was admitted fighting for his life, he found the "guardian angel" who gave him a second chance.

The nurse who took care of him in the hospital was the one who adopted him

Matías Devincenzi was the neonatology nurse who took care of Santino day and night at the Eva Perón Hospital in Argentina. The baby was born with joint malformations, respiratory failure and uronephrologic pathology, so he was admitted to intensive care.

His family had abandoned him, and The nurse -which had been working in the area of ​​neonatology for nine years- He immediately felt a very special connection with him. So one day, he approached his crib and simply said: "If you open your eyes I'll take you home".

Then, the baby - who was in a coma and with mechanical respiratory assistance - opened his eyes, and Matías interpreted it as a sign: "I immediately assumed myself as his dad and began to find out about adoption".

In Babies and more The moving story of a nurse who adopted the baby she took care of for months at the ICU

During the months that Santino was hospitalized, the young nurse took care of him while simultaneously initiating the legal procedures for adoption. And although his surroundings told him that he would have it complicated because he was male and single, Matías did not give up.

Finally, on November 6, 2017, coinciding with his 29th birthday, Matías obtained the best of the gifts: the legal guardian of little Santino, which at that time was eight months old.

In all this time, the child has followed early stimulation programs to correct the maturational delay he presented, and has gone through the operating room up to two times, due to his nephrological problem and his malformation.

Santino is currently two years old and is a happy child who lives surrounded by the love of his father, his grandparents and his uncles.

Matías wanted to share his story to raise awareness in society about child abandonment and the importance of adoption. And he concludes his message with a phrase that reaches the heart directly: "my son chose me".

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