It is still recommended that the baby sleep alone in his room at 6 months

There is a very wise phrase that says "with friends like that, who needs enemies." Well, seeing the level that some health or psychology professionals have, I dare to tell babies (who want to listen to me) that "with professionals like that, who needs enemies."

We know that human babies are considered altricial animals, which are those that are born with a very limited mobility, little developed, with an organism that must mature after birth to become like adults and that require a long learning process.

We also know that babies usually claim the presence of the mother or father (usually the mother, being the main caregiver on most occasions) almost at all times close, sometimes so much that they need to be in arms hours, because it is a of the things they know instinctively that will ensure survival. Well, despite knowing this It is still recommended that babies sleep alone in their room at 6 months.

At this point then it is where you do not understand anything, because if you say to a primary school child: “Babies need to be close to their parents at all times to feel calm, safe and to be able to learn with them what life is "And then you ask" Where do you think he will sleep better, only in his room or in the same room as the parents? ", I put my hand in the fire that responds that where babies sleep best is in the same room as parents.

However, it seems that some adults, when they get a degree, lose the ability to use logic and reasoning and dedicate themselves to calling something as absurd as “good habits” like making a 6-month-old child sleep alone in a room, which poor thing does not even know that there is a world with millions of people (his main concern is to meet his needs, which he has to survive).

In fact, if we read any of these professionals, it is funny to see that most agree on one thing: "It is difficult to get a six-month-old baby to fall asleep only in his room", to which they then add a "But it important to do it now, because if not later they will not be able to learn to fall asleep ”.

But let's see, is the title of sleep expert based on babies? Or maybe in some other animal species?

If someone recommends something for a baby and that advice is difficult to apply because the child says that this solution makes him unhappy and causes him a stress he cannot control, one can become desperate. If instead that one realizes that before the same advice most babies say the same thing, logic says that The advice is wrong, difficult or impossible to apply and, therefore, absurd.

If we go further and think about our childhood, when our mothers did not take us out of the room at six months, but did so when they saw that we were prepared, or if we think of all those families whose children sleep in the same room as the children Fathers because they want or because they have no space (which throughout history has been a majority), shouldn't there be a true epidemic of "walking dead"? Shouldn't we all walk like zoombies during the day for being unable to fall asleep?

In fact I ask myself an even more important question: Do these people really believe the advice they give? Do you really think that babies at six months will learn something good by staying alone at night? If it is true, turn it off and let's go.

Well, let's go.

Video: Safe Sleep Guidelines for Babies (July 2024).