Real Conciliation Now: another way to reconcile family and work life is possible

In the blog we have talked many times about the inefficient reconciliation policy in Spain, so we want to join the claim made by a group of fathers and mothers through Real Reconciliation Now, because we also believe that another way to reconcile family and work life is possible.

The initiative arose from a group of mum bloggers who are not satisfied with the measures of reconciliation of work and family life that are currently, and how to apply them by some companies.

The solutions are aimed at other people taking care of our children, expanding nursery places and school hours. But that is not the real reconciliation, but that which allows us to have the flexibility to take care of them, especially during the first years of their life, when it is so important to establish a solid emotional bond between parents and children.

As they themselves manifest,

We want to raise our children, not to be raised, and we want to have the same job opportunities as others. We want to change the mentalities of employers, workers and society in general in order to make conciliation a reality for men and women. ”

If you want to participate in this initiative, you can do it through Facebook.

Video: Shadow Work and the Law of Attraction my experience (June 2024).