I Family Leisure Room

Until next Saturday 30th you will be able to take your children to I Family Leisure Room which is located in the Palace of Exhibitions and Congresses of A Coruña so that children can enjoy different activities for entertainment during these holidays.

The room is specially designed for children between the ages of 3 and 14, they can find various activities such as scientific experiments, climbing, makeup, football, batuka, the visit of the Magi and can even enjoy one of the three movies that are broadcast daily and are intended for children.

As it is a family room, parents can also enjoy different activities with their children. The room also has a nursery for children from 3 years, so parents can leave their children to buy Christmas gifts. During these festivities it is necessary that children enjoy, entertain and have the memory of a fantastic Christmas full of all kinds of surprises, going to one of the fairs or children's shows that are held throughout Spain is a good option.

From 11.00 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. uninterruptedly, the 1st Family Leisure Room will remain open, the entrance fee will be 6 euros for children and 2 euros for adults, although you can get good discounts if you access the Event website and follow the steps that indicate you.

Video: Time-lapse video. Family Leisure Outdoor Room Build Project (July 2024).