Laura Gutman's lectures, at the price of gold

I recognize that I don't like Laura Gutman in many aspects. I don't like the determinism that follows from many of his ideas. I do not like the little scientific foundation that shows in many others.

I do not like that your website is an advertising showcase, and I get the impression that its fame is being used to enrich itself, creating an ascending “cache” at a dizzying pace. Of course, there are people who pay for it, and then it would be foolish not to take advantage.

The conferences that Laura Gutman is giving these days in Spain are at a gold price: 60 euros for three hours of conference (in reality, two hours of exposure and one to answer questions from the public). And I imagine that they are full, although not of many medical professionals or pedagogues for what I am reading there.

But, if your ideas are aimed at “teachers, teachers, educators, mediators, doctors, psychologists, social workers, midwives, doulas, nurses, political leaders, thinkers, fathers and mothers, and anyone who wishes to contribute to organizing a kinder world“Don't you think they could be more accessible?

There will be someone who tells me that 60 euros is not so much for a conference of the Argentine therapist, but it seems to me. And sure to her too, if we multiply by the capacity.

Fortunately, I have been fortunate to attend conferences of experts in different subjects, of different currents of thought, more traditional or more innovative (pedagogy, psychology, literature ...) at a much more reasonable or free price, the result of training programs.

All recognized experts, in any subject, have an institutional support that offers their knowledge to the public by way of free or subsidized conferences or seminars. The basis of the extension of knowledge is largely there.

And not everything is institutional (if you leave the system, you are not free to the public). Nor is Laura Gutman so anti-system, really, just something diffuse.

Why isn't Laura Gutman more accessible?

If Laura Gutman can help all those professionals, fathers and mothers to whom she directs her talks, I demand that their knowledge be made available to them in a more economical way, that we ask Ministries, Town Halls, hospitals, Universities, unions and various associations. That their books are mandatory reading in the curriculum of the studies involved, that are available in libraries and maternity centers.

That Laura Gutman offers us her talks available to all audiences being the guest star of ... Well, I can't think of too many areas in which to place her, it is clear that I do not move too much for this type of meetings.

When someone becomes a “guru”, often (not always) their ideas cease to be original after a short time but are exploited to the fullest, they are given a thousand turns and revisions to take advantage of them. At the price of gold, because people pay. And this I think is what Laura Gutman does, although it is also true that every time I feel less like reading something about her.

In this regard, I claim the work of Carlos González as an example of a professional who does give talks in a more accessible way, "for all audiences."

Before paying at the price of gold ...

I recommend, before attending one of the conferences of Laura Gutman or any other "guru" paying a considerable amount, read some of his works, which will always have more "chicha" than a couple of hours of talk, and make a idea if you are going to find something you like or not.

We go, fundamentally what we would do before paying a high amount for any product, to make sure it is worth it.

And I remind you that there are no magic formulas in this upbringing, nobody can be our teacher because every child is different, our teachers are our children and we learn every day with them.

I think that much of the success of characters like Laura Gutman is the feeling of being “lost” in parenthood and the desire for “solutions” for everything that is not achieved except by being, day by day, father or mother. The desire to know everything, even before being a mother, and to find answers to our insecurities or fears.

By the way, if you want to know part of the content of these conferences, "Our Reflected Children", Ana de "Growing up with David" tells us in her blog. If you have attended any of Laura Gutman's lectures and you want to tell us if it was worth it, you can also tell us.