To the European Parliament with your baby in tow

Today was the fact that the Italian MEP Licia Ronzulli has come to a full European Parliament with your baby in tow as a symbol to raise awareness about women's difficulties in reconciling family and work life.

Just as he has done a Danish MEP last year by taking his baby to a session of the same body, Ronzulli wanted to show that it is possible to reconcile the maternal facet with the professional and that there is still much to improve in this regard.

His gesture has been applauded by the rest of his colleagues and has asked for work to improve the situation of working mothers.

Just yesterday, the European strategy on equality between men and women for the next five years was presented in Strasbourg with recommendations to increase female employment, promote a greater presence of women in positions of responsibility in companies, reduce the wage gap and fight Against gender violence.

There are many contrary opinions, but that one MEP go to work with your newborn baby I think it is an example that should be used in other areas.

It is a way to normalize something as essential as the most suitable place for a baby is the arms of his mother, even if it is a working mother.

Video: Close to you: In Scotland (July 2024).