What criticisms can doctors and gynecologists make towards prolonged breastfeeding? (I)

For several entries we have been explaining what types of criticism or what wrong information some mothers may receive by health professionals. We talked about pediatricians and nurses and it was pending to do so about family doctors and gynecologists, which in a survey of 155 mothers who were breastfeeding for a long time, were part of the same "critical" group.

As I have said on other occasions, the purpose of these entries is not to bother anyone, but to show a reality that exists and that many other health professionals are trying to solve. At the same time, when responding to doctors' phrases, mothers and readers can receive updated information about breastfeeding and thus have more resources if, on occasion, they come across a comment similar to those commented. Go for it:

He did not prescribe medication compatible with breastfeeding

Seven of the mothers surveyed explained that their family doctors did not prescribe medications for breastfeeding, which were compatible with breastfeeding.

Such is the lack of knowledge about breast milk and medication that many doctors refuse to prescribe some drugs that the mother could take without problems, leaving the mother untreated (there are mild pathologies that may present with bearable symptoms, however there are others that annoy more and the mothers do not have to live a situation of discrimination, since non-lactating women could be treated), for giving the chest, if the medication is compatible.

Many nursing mothers know the page www.e-lactancia.org, where you can consult the drugs and the level of compatibility. It is usual that, even when they are prescribed something, they then look at the page at home to make sure they can take it and, in the same way, consult after the visit with the doctor when he refuses to prescribe something because he thinks there is risk for the baby

"Wean, your child is already big"

This was told by a doctor to the mother of a 14-month-old boy. There is not much to comment that I have not already said in other posts with similar phrases. "Weaning, that your child is old" is the opinion of the doctor, neither more nor less. As I doubt that the mother asked "what do you think, do you see it great to breastfeed?", Would have been more ethical shut up, more respectful and would have proved a bit updated.

A dentist made me a filling without anesthesia

A mother who went to the dentist took away, saying she was breastfeeding, a filling without anesthesia (it has to hurt ...). Imagine the face of the mother to realize, some time later, that a localized anesthesia such as that used by dentists is fully compatible with breastfeeding.

You will probably think that it is normal, that he is the dentist and that he does not have to know, however he is responsible for the anesthesia he uses and should know in what situations it can be used and in what situations he cannot do it. I do not know if there are many mothers who breastfeed with cavities, but considering that more and more mothers are breastfeeding, dentists will have to recycle to be clear that there is no reason to make women suffer without need.

“What, does your mother think about breastfeeding until you go to college?

This was told by a family doctor to a mother whose son was then 8 months old. Once again, a doctor shows that he has no idea of ​​the recommendations about breastfeeding and once again a doctor crosses the barrier of respect towards patients and people. What is it about talking about college?

Moreover, this time the criticism is even more stabbing, since the technique of "I tell the baby, who does not know, and the mother hears it" is used, which I personally detest. In fact, I remember that a mother who answered the survey said she was trying not to breastfeed her son for more than a year in public because on one occasion a man turned to the child to release his criticism of such behavior (" Don't you think you're a little older? ”) and I didn't want it to be repeated. As you can see it is a way of speaking in which a person says what he thinks without saying it directly to the responsible person, but doing so by way of gracieta addressing the child.

“Enough is enough, it no longer feeds him, giving up to 6 months is old”

This phrase can be divided into two sections, the "no longer feeds him" and the "give up to 6 months is old."

Honestly, I don't know what any of the two comments come from. The first is the result of an incredible lack of information and common sense. For thousands of years children have lived thanks to breast milk. If after 5-6 months it stopped feeding, I doubt that most of us were alive right now.

The second is an alarming disrespect, because hey, if one wants to be old, it is, period. Nobody has the right, let alone a stranger, to give a derogatory opinion about it. If you are also not right, the above is even more evident, since giving up to 6 months is desirable, starting, and giving up to 2 years, it is advisable.

On the other hand, there is the question of what that mother will have lived to reach six months of breastfeeding. Many women have problems breastfeeding their children, many go through authentic calvary until they make breastfeeding satisfactory for their babies and for them and many arrive at 4-6 months, almost without wanting to look back, but happy Start enjoying breastfeeding.

Imagine a mother at that time, receiving such a phrase from a doctor: "Enough is enough, it no longer feeds him, giving up to 6 months is old." I don't know about you, but I would like to eat it with potatoes.

"Do you still notice you have milk?"

This was told by a gynecologist (as the mother said “one of the most renowned gynecologists in my city”) when her daughter was 12 months old. The question has no bad intention, it is simply interrogative, however it is strange if you consider that The girl was sucking at the time the professional entered the consultation.

You know, because we have said several times, that while there is suction, there will be milk. Apparently this gynecologist was not sure that the sucking of the girl was effective and that the mother continued to produce milk.

To be continue

In a few days you can read the second part of this post, with more information errors and more disrespectful criticism of mothers They breastfeed their children.

Photos | Flickr - moppet65535, Daquella manner, c r z
In Babies and more | What criticisms can pediatricians make towards prolonged breastfeeding? (I) and (II), what criticisms can nurses make towards prolonged breastfeeding? (I), (II) and (III)

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