Would you offer yourself as a rental mother?

Yesterday we asked if in case of not being able to have children you would look for a rental mother and today it seems interesting and enriching to try to put women on the other side of the scale. I know that I am going around the same subject many times, but being little known in our country I wanted to investigate a little to know the opinions of the mothers and readers of the blog.

With the delay of maternity it is increasingly common to see women over 35 years pregnant or trying to have their first child. This means that, with the decrease in the probability of achieving a pregnancy, many have problems to achieve it and begin to need help to try to increase the possibilities.

Many end up achieving the goal, but many others do not. I can not imagine, because I am already the father of two children, what can a couple who tries to have a baby think and sees that time is passing and they do not get it, because a pregnancy is not something that will "come", but that every day that passes the possibilities are diminishing and it must be very hard to reach the fateful point where you realize that you will never be able to have children.

It is for this reason that in other countries, where it is legal to do so, women who do have the ability to be mothers offer to develop the embryo of other couples, both known and unknown. It is a very important decision, so I ask you: Would you offer yourself as surrogate mothers?

When I consider this subject, I remember the documentary “Three sisters and a baby” in which a woman gave up her uterus so that her sister could have a baby (which came from the ovule of her other sister, who was a twin). In this documentary I could see how the event lived all the parts, how the woman gestated the baby, went to the controls, cried to see that the baby was fine, gave birth and how at that precise moment, the baby passed into the hands of her "True" mother, who was going to take care of her, leaving her alone, newly delivered, without a baby to hug after nine months of pregnancy.

Myriam, the woman who explained a few days ago why she has already twice offered to be a surrogate mother commented that The excitement of making a couple's dream come true is inexplicable, since it gives them complete happiness.

Perhaps it would be interesting to consider in what kind of situations a woman would agree to be a surrogate mother. It may be easier if there is an emotional reason to do so, that is, if it is a family member or a friend whom you appreciate so much as to do that favor. Although seen from another point of view, it may be easier to do it if the couple is unknown, since you will not have as much contact with the couple, nor with the baby once it has been born.

What is your opinion?

Video: rEntitledParents Entitled Parent DEMANDS Rental Car! (May 2024).