Find out how your child will be with Discovery

We know that one of the greatest curiosities of those who are going to be parents is to know what will the future baby look like. Thanks to Discovery we can know how the baby will be just by choosing the characteristics most similar to you and your partner in a few simple steps, and even photographs are not needed.

We have to complete what are the attributes of the woman referred to face, hair and eyes, and we will follow the same steps for the man, immediately obtaining the result. In the end, we have the image of the future son (about two years old), although if we want we can change its characteristics and adjust it to the image we want.

We can choose whether it will be a boy or a girl, hair color, face… Although, as a notice on the web reminds us, it is just a game, because “Human genetics is much more complex than the figure outlined in this exercise” .

The photo that tops these lines is the one that has come out of my daughters, and does not look anything like the older one (blonde and with blue eyes), and on the small one I still could not say it because she is still a baby (at least the eyes yes they are brown), although hopefully I have a little more "easy" hair ... I'm looking forward to you telling me if the system was right for your children.

We remember others resources to know the baby's appearance, even roughly, like Face Research, Morph Thing or Make me Babies.

So if you want know how the baby will be, with Discovery You can do fun tests. Of course, the true baby will always seem much more beautiful ...

Official Site | TuDiscovery
In Babies and more | What will my son be like? Morph Thing, what will my son be like? Make-my-baby !, Who will my baby look like ?, Children who look like their dogs, A definite genetic inheritance

Video: Invention & Discovery Vol 1. Kids Animated Story in English (July 2024).