Is it possible for a baby to be kidnapped in the hospital?

It looks like something out of a movie or a nightmare. Something that really is hard for us to believe is possible. However, it has happened in Italy, where a woman with psychological problems due to the loss of her pregnancy sHe kidnapped a baby from the hospital where he was a nurse. And it has not been in a small center, but in the Cardarelli Hospital, the most important in Naples. The case has ended happily with the location of the child.

Like those fears that assail us despite all the precautions that our baby is exchanged for another, the abduction of a baby from the hospital should be something absolutely impossible. The truth is that I cannot understand how security mechanisms fail and these things continue to happen, even if it is very limited.

Obviously there is no need to panic, in most hospitals there is great control over the circumstances that can trigger these worrisome facts, but, nevertheless, it would not hurt to put new sweeps to avoid them.

The first and most obvious, never separate a baby from his parents except in cases of strict medical necessity. Weighing, bathing, checking, everything can and should be done in front of their parents, who are, let's not forget, the child's guardians and a baby cannot be taken from them without their express authorization. The hospitals, little by little, are implementing these respectful measures for logical reasons, but, let's not rule out this, also for safety.

No health personnel, even if identified, have the right to take the baby away from their parents without their permission and this permission, which we must give, we would only have to give it for well-founded and very clear reasons, of a medical nature, not by protocols or much less because someone comes and tells us.

I don't think there are more controls to prevent it from being possible that a baby is kidnapped in the hospital, because trusting that the staff always control the circulation of visitors or people dressed in toilets, it seems that we are, let's be honest, 100% impossible.

Video: Newborn Baby Nearly Abducted From California Hospital: Caught on Tape (July 2024).