Homosexual mothers and the development of their children

The arguments, in my view of prejudices, which are often used on gay mothers is that your sexual orientation could affect in a certain way child development. It is also often believed of homosexual men, and even more so because they are two fathers and not two mothers.

In any case it is an unjustified concept, but we will talk particularly about the families in which there are two mothers.

A study, titled Longitudinal National Study of Lesbian Families Prepared in the United States with 77 families of boys and girls, it is the first that monitors children from birth to adolescence and states that the children of lesbian mothers have better behavior than the children of couples of men and women.

When observing their behavior, these children scored better in social skills and academic behavior and also noted that they have less tendency to aggressiveness and disobedience.

Of course, each family will be a world, but the research shows that children of lesbian mothers are no worse educated. Why should they be, because their mothers are gay? On the contrary, these children enjoy a good psychological state.

The most negative part of the study is that children who suffered homophobic attacks or bullying had higher anxiety levels and more depressive symptoms than their peers.

This is what should not happen. Family models are changing, it is a reality that society must assimilate naturally, and not only because of the stigmatization suffered by homosexual mothers and fathers, but above all by the children of those couples.

The research is very encouraging for homosexual mothers. In short, it shows that the sexual orientation of the parents does not influence the development of the children. Two women who care for their children with love and dedication can raise healthy, emotionally balanced, studious and happy children. Why not?

Video: Kids Of Gay Parents Speak Out - bistraight parents too A film from Team Angelica & Stonewall (May 2024).