ABCya !, online educational games for children

Our children will grow up seeing us next to the computer and using it themselves, to learn, to play, to organize, to create ... But contact with the screen is gradual, and no doubt the games can be a first approximation. ABCya! It is a website with educational games for children.

I liked this page the variety of games it offers, as well as the simplicity of use, as it is designed for young children. The drawings are large and the mouse is easily handled. Some games include voice instructions (in English), although in general all are very easy to use.

Games and activities include concepts such as alphabetical order, coloring, upper and lower case, counting numbers, joining the dots, the numerical order, the simple forms, addition and subtraction, completing series ... All at a level suitable for children between 3 and 6 years according to the games.

Accompanying our children in these games will, in addition to learning, that we spend a fun time together, an important condition for making all learning a stimulating and truly enriching activity.

The site has other levels of games and activities, for those with older children, there is a wide variety of resources and I recommend you browse a bit to discover the ones you might like most.

The colors, the letters, the numbers and in general the linguistic stimulation, apart from the motor ability in the handling of the mouse, are other incentives for the little ones, that in ABCya! you will find the online educational games made to your average.

Official Site | ABCya! In Babies and more | Pequered: free online children's games portal, online educational resource for early childhood education, La Cueva de Tragapalabras, for the start of literacy