Arriving home without the baby after delivery

One of the ideal images that all moms have when we are pregnant is the arrival at home with the new baby in their arms. After delivery, returning home when the baby has had to stay in the hospital is a very disconcerting moment.

If the baby suffers a problem for which he must be admitted or has been born prematurely, he must remain in the hospital for a few days or even months.

The feeling of parents in this situation is pain, disappointment, and perhaps guilt, in addition to feeling a great concern about the health of the baby.

As much as we know that the hospital will be well taken care of, the feeling before the empty nest is very disappointing. Sometimes, the slightest, it is only a matter of gaining weight, but in others the baby's life hangs by a thread and being at home without it becomes very hard.

The best way to overcome such a difficult time is to seek support from the couple and family members. Especially if there are older children, we will need the collaboration of sisters, sisters-in-law, in-laws or friends to take care of them.

The parents' place is to be with the baby as long as possible. The emotional aspect is as important as the medical care provided in the hospital.

Skin-to-skin contact of the newborn with the mother, touching it, breastfeeding and speaking to her favors and accelerates her recovery. Many hospitals have a chair in intensive care rooms so that the mother can stay with the baby for as long as she wants.

The active participation of the parents during the days the child remains in the hospital is very important. With your help, a precious day you will live the dreamed moment of get home with the baby in her arms.