Highlights in Babies and more: March 9-15

As every week, here we bring you the summary of highlights of the last week in Babies and more.

We have received the news that babies are suspended on demand, a service of an American private clinic that was very controversial. We have also known an advance for homosexual mothers as babies will be born with two biological mothers, through the ovule of one of them and the uterus of the other.

Other important advances in science have been the cases of a girl who has recovered her vision thanks to the stem cells or that of the boy who has been cured by her brother, or more specifically by the cells of her umbilical cord. Even the possibility that women with uterine cancer can be mothers is undoubtedly being investigated, without a doubt, a whole find.

In relation to children we have offered useful information to know, for example, what happens if we find the baby's arched legs, or information about the baby's belching, less obligatory than previously thought. We have also brought an interesting online resource to know the type of deliveries performed in the hospitals of Spain with a map with the percentages of caesarean sections of the Spanish hospitals and without leaving the hospitals we know a valuable resource such as magic for hospitalized children.

As a curiosity for those who believe in these things we have put at your disposal the Celtic horoscope to know which tree our children belong to, we have offered you a compilation of the best classical music for the time of play of babies and children, which as they say , it stimulates them and we have known a piece of news that shows that humanity is not lost yet, that of an abandoned baby that saves life by being breastfed by a police.

Finally, I have invited you one more week to reflect to try to know what is the best age to have children, concluding that each moment has its advantages and disadvantages.

This is the highlight of this week. We hope that during the present we meet the expectations of our readers with more interesting content if possible and current, as always.

Video: Willians Astudillo's great moments from 2018 (July 2024).