Reproductive tourism boom in Argentina

We have already commented on how Spain is one of the paradise of reproductive tourism, but the increasingly long waiting lists make couples who need fertility treatments look for other destinations. Argentina is emerging as a new destination for reproductive tourism for infertile couples.

The reasons are varied, mainly economic (in vitro fertilization treatments in Argentina cost half or less than in developed countries), but also the shorter waiting time and the legal vacuum, which facilitates practices that are prohibited in other countries.

The recognition of Argentine medicine and the good treatment of patients also influence the decision to go to this country to undergo assisted reproduction treatments.

However, the specialists assure, regarding this "legal vacuum", that a regulatory framework that contemplates the needs of the patient is necessary, something that could occur soon and that perhaps would bring some changes in what makes Argentina attractive for the reproductive tourism

According to the origin of the patients, 10 and 20% of foreigners come from countries in Latin America, the United States and Europe, mainly from Spain where, as we have pointed out, waiting lists can be extended. Perhaps this situation means that in those countries "on the run", the processes are facilitated to couples so that they do not have to go abroad to seek treatment.

The local fertility institutes of Argentina propose "reproductive tourism" packages that include trips to the glaciers or the Iguazu Falls.

Video: Reproductive Tourism & the Surrogacy Boom (May 2024).