"Barack" and "Obama", the fashion names in the United States

Do you remember the case of China, which with the Olympic Games gave thousands of children names related to the event? And it is not the first time that the popularity of an act, a product or a character is transferred to the tastes of parents to name babies.

A few corners of the world has not reached the news of the elections in the United States and its winner, Barack Obama. The fame and charisma of this man has made this country the number of babies called "Barack" and "Obama" multiply in maternity.

Several maternity hospitals have reported that there are babies whose name or middle name is that of one of the members of the Obama family. Thus seems to be reborn a tradition that had fallen into disuse, that of giving the children the name of the president. But let's not think that this only happens in the United States ...

Sure that in Spain you know many little Leonores, Sofías or Leticias, and it is also because of these places the popularity of public figures affects the preferences of parents. Well, of course much better than being called Coca-Cola or Budweiser ...

Will "Barack" and "Obama" become as fashionable as Lincoln or Reagan at the time? They sound very good to me ... Imagine if someone like Schwarzenegger won in the future ...

Via | Yahoo News On Babies and more | In Italy you can not call "Friday", Give our children the name we want, Tips to get the right choice with the name of the baby, Names for babies with meaning

Video: TWICE "Feel Special" MV (July 2024).