Michelle Obama reveals that she suffered an abortion and her daughters were born by IVF, making visible the reality of many women

The biography of the former first lady of the United States, Michelle Obama, entitled My Life, in which she touches the most important aspects of her social and personal life has just been published. Among the personal revelations that have surprised most is the fact that his daughters were conceived through IVF, after the experience of having suffered a natural abortion.

By sharing this passage of her life, Michelle has wanted give visibility to gestational losses and assisted reproduction methods, because there are many women who go through it and need the support and understanding of all.

"I felt lost and alone. I felt I had failed."

American television ABC interviewed the former first lady a few days ago on the occasion of the launch of her biography, on the Good Morning America program. In the interview, Michelle revealed some details of her life that have not left anyone indifferent, such as the fact that her daughters Malia and Sasha were conceived through in vitro fertilization, after having suffered a natural abortion.

"I felt lost and alone. I felt I had failed because I didn't know how common spontaneous abortions were since we don't talk about them. We sit in our own pain, thinking that we are somehow broken. "

With these words, Michelle wants to give visibility to gestational losses, not just because spontaneous abortions are more common than we think (although little is said about it), but because whoever suffers it, sometimes does it in silence, due to the misunderstanding of the environment.

Sharing her experience, Michelle Obama intends to encourage other women who are going through the same thing to tell her too: "I think it's the worst thing that we do each other women, not share the truth about our bodies, about how they work and how they don't work " - explained on the ABC chain.

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After their spontaneous abortion, the Obama marriage decided to try pregnancy through in vitro fertilization: "The biological clock is something real and egg production is limited. I realized this with 34 or 35 years. At that time we had to do in vitro fertilization ", he explained in the television interview.

With this second revelation, he has also wanted to make visible the infertility problems that some couples suffer, and how they can affect them psychologically. She herself confesses to feeling "resentful" about having to inject the treatments while her husband was working in the Illinois state legislature: "None of this was his fault, but it wasn't an equitable situation either," he describes in his biography.

The importance of speaking, to give visibility and support

For those of us who have experienced some of the situations narrated by Michelle Obama, we know that the moments that are lived are very hard, full of uncertainty and fear of the possibility of not achieving your dream of being a mother.

The search for a baby is always a reason for joy, but for some it can become an arduous path full of obstacles, sadness and hopelessness. Therefore, there are many people who decide to give visibility to this problem through their experiences, thus encouraging those who are traveling along the same path.

When we talk about natural abortions, especially in the case of early gestational losses, we find a very similar situation. And it is that many couples who suffer from it tend to hide it, because they do not feel understood or are afraid to bother their interlocutor when sharing their pain.

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Talking about losing a pregnancy is never easy. But those of us who have gone through it should try to do it, not only because we can understand it better, but also because it will help us to support those who live this difficult situation in a sensitive and appropriate way.

ABC News Pictures


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